Harmony and Balance

With greater awareness, we begin to discover how often we create stress and imbalance in our experience. The souls purpose is to awaken. No matter what challenges arise, what karma we have arranged, or how successful we are at cultivating our unique gifts, it’s important to understand that nothing matters more than our state of consciousness.

Consciousness is measured by the degree of peace you are experiencing Now. Peacefulness comes from releasing things which no longer serve you, utilizing supportive self talk and allowing the love of the Divine to express itself throughout the various aspects of your journey.

You may feel compelled to accomplish certain tasks as part of your role in this lifetime. Every journey is different and exquisitely beautiful in its uniqueness. These outer tasks are merely the means through which your inner purpose is fulfilled.

Approach each moment with a conscious willingness to experience harmony and balance. Consistently take the time to utilize acceptance and then observe how life responds. Old channels of energy can be redirected through conscious effort. You can create powerful and positive changes in your life. Begin now by being conscious of the energy that you send out into the Universe.

Conscious Self-Talk

“If you celebrate your differentness, the world will, too. It believes exactly what you tell it—through the words you use to describe yourself, the actions you take to care for yourself, and the choices you make to express yourself. Tell the world you are one-of-a-kind creation who came here to experience wonder and spread joy. Expect to be accommodated.”
~Victoria Moran~

Embrace your uniqueness. Your self-talk has great power. It creates the filter through which you interpret the world, and sends out an energy that tells others how you expect to be treated.

Repeating patterns show us our deepest beliefs. It can be very challenging to see yourself clearly and others will often act as mirrors to provide insight into what you are putting out into the world. As you increase in awareness, you can consciously participate in changing your experience.

Observe your inner dialogue, listen to the phrases you tend to repeat and consider whether your words are purposeful or simply repeating an old story. Don’t fight against the old habitual patterns – what you fight, you strengthen. Begin by quietly noticing your words and allow your awareness to initiate the process of transformation. Become more conscious of how you choose to express yourself. A whole new world awaits.