Cultivating Strength

“When you reach the point where you think you can go no farther, taking one more step, one more breath into the heart, is all that’s required.” 
~Ezra Bayda~ 
Every challenge you face reveals another aspect of your strength. Do not avoid your challenges; instead, approach them with conscious intention. Awakening souls seek to be tempered by experience and desire to observe our evolutionary progress in action. When problems arise, they provide an opportunity to see how conscious awareness impacts our daily experience. Life is a barometer that will always provide a indication of your level of consciousness.
Learn to create sacred spaces within your journey. Sprinkle gratitude, prayer, meditation and stillness throughout your day. Periodically, stop and look around you and choose to stand in awareness of life’s miracles. These brief pauses will move you out of the mind and into Being. In every moment you can create a unique and joyful interpretation of all in your experience
Those who have risen above tremendous challenges have a deeper level of compassion and strength that can benefit the world. Consider that you have chosen your life-path with a specific purpose in mind and then share the gifts you have discovered.

Creating a Sacred Space

“I love myself, therefore I provide for myself a comfortable home, one that fulfills all my needs and is a pleasure to be in. I fill the rooms with the vibration of Love, so that all who enter, myself included, will feel the love and be nourished by it.” ~Louise Hay~
Consider your home a sacred space. Any emotions that we experience emit powerful vibrations that remain behind; therefore, focus upon being conscious of what you create or allow around you. Setting intentions, smudging, playing peaceful music or lighting candles to shift the energy can have a dramatic impact.

At least once a month, open a few windows or doors and cleanse the space with white sage, lavender/sage spray or pure tones saying, “Negativity out! Only love, joy and beauty remain. Today, let this space be a space of peace, power, growth and transformation.” Any heavy or unbalanced energy will dissipate and you’ll create a lighter, empowered feeling that will impact all who enter your space.

You have more power than you realize and cleansing your space is a great way consciously step into your role as an empowered co-creator. Be the peace you wish to see in the world.

Mindfulness and Transformation

“Each place is the right place–the place where I now am can be a sacred space.”

~Ravi Ravindra~

The way to create space for transformation is mindfulness. Make inner peace and balanced health your first priority – quiet the mind, meditate, and spend a few moments completely free of distractions each day.

When we focus on making conscious choices and make an effort to only use words which support our intentions and desires, we set the stage for a shift in consciousness. Everything is energy and has a collective impact upon your personal vibration.

If mindfulness is something which gets lost in the busy and changeable world of your existence, start small. Choose one hour to be completely mindful in all that you do – in your work, while cleaning house, preparing dinner or petting your dog – choose to be fully present. Any activity can be used as part of your spiritual practice. As you become well versed in mindfulness, extend the time longer and longer throughout your day.

There is nothing new you need to add to your store of knowledge. Mindfulness is simply a removal of the distractions and negativity that block you from connecting to your source. You can do this now, there is nothing to be gained by waiting.

Sacred Space

“The spiritual life does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it.”
~Henri J.M. Nouwen~

Simple things matter. Small acts of kindness can change situations in powerful ways. When we choose to live gently, we discover that our sojourn is filled with majestic spaces. Instead of rushing from one thing to another, one person to another, solving problems or acquiring more, we have the capacity to hear the whispers of wisdom.

Consciously create quiet space in your experience. The world is a sanctuary that is overlooked all too often because of our focus on the mundane. Today, seek to bring gentleness to your life situation, whatever it is, and treat yourself well.

In the stillness we can slow down and experience the fullness of life itself. You can step into the inner sanctum of the Divine, drink deeply of peace and bring that sacred energy into the present moment. All life has a rhythm, an energy that is constantly sparking creativity and rebirth. We are part of this beautiful rhythm.

Moments of inner silence play a valuable role in your spiritual awakening. Let your life be a communion with all that you see. The sacredness you experience is a reflection of your own energy.