The Quest

“Everything you possess of skill, and wealth, and handicraft, wasn’t it first merely a thought and a quest?”

So here we are, journeying together on a quest throughout time and space. Adventures, challenges, drama and breakthrough await. The only way to explore fully is to become lost in the story until we cultivate an understanding of how the game works and all obstacles have been faced. As awareness expands we acquire a broader perception and can anticipate the next steps to take.

Once you recognize the patterns, things become simple. You draw in various circumstances and people that reflect your current vibrational frequency. As you become more conscious, greater potential is realized and you can move effectively throughout various life situations.

The point is to explore the vastness of experience and to see how many facets of being you can discover. Each combines to create a masterpiece of light and shimmering possibility. When you have exhausted the need for physical experience, it will drop away and the game will continue on other levels of existence.

One side note: This is a collective experience – what helps one helps all. What harms one harms all.

Precision and Patience

“Patience is not sitting and waiting, it is foreseeing. It is looking at the thorn and seeing the rose, looking at the night and seeing the day. Lovers are patient and know that the moon needs time to become full.”


No matter what you wish to create in your experience, it begins with a vision, dream or desire. The image sparks energy and enthusiasm into motion and leads us forward into new aspects of awakening. It’s important to be mindful about where you choose to place your focus. Baby steps spark miracles.

As we walk incrementally toward our goals, we discover that true power lies in consistency, precision and patience. Each action builds upon the next while one remains deeply rooted in the present moment. When an action is done well for its own sake, Presence transforms the work into a masterpiece.

Many need instant gratification and have not learned the joy of completion. There’s something powerful about seeing a body of work, intention and joy come together in ways that may be far more beautiful than that of the original vision. The purpose of inspiration is to send us on the road of discovery. From there, anything is possible.

Unlimited Potential

“When you regain a sense of your life as a journey of discovery, you return to rhythm with yourself. When you take the time to travel with reverence, a richer life unfolds before you. Moments of beauty begin to braid your days.”

~John O’Donohue~

Consciously walk forward and allow yourself to be drawn by a sense of wonder into the unknown. When you learn to trust the processes of your awakening, it becomes easier to experience life as an adventure. Leaving behind the need for plans and a mapped out future, we explore with the exhilarating freedom which comes from being open and vulnerable.

Discovering your inner truth comes through experience. Nothing is guaranteed, but the search helps us to grow. Allow yourself to be insecure, to face adversity and accept the challenges that the unknown has to offer. Much of spiritual awakening is prompted by the realization that there are vast levels yet to explore.

Life is here to offer whatever is needed in order for you to tap into your unlimited potential. Taking one step at a time and giving your complete attention to the Now can bring new passion, creativity and clarity to all that you do.

What You Seek

In a world filled with limitless possibility, whatever you seek is what you will discover. Each time we choose to find the gift in a situation, one makes itself known to us. Pay attention to your thoughts and words for they are your personal conversation with the Divine… When we approach the present moment with a resounding “Thank you!” filled with gratitude and joy, it becomes easy to see more clearly.

Choose to honor all things as sacred. This approach releases the tendency to judge or reject and opens your heart in miraculous ways.

You are a master in the process of awakening, a conscious co-creator of your own experience. As a soul seeking empowerment and enlightenment, realize that your choices dictate your reality.

Oneness brings a sense of stillness and connection into your experience. Watch how existence interacts with itself. A tapestry of exquisite design is being created. Everything flows together in a way that creates support and balance.
Darkness, limitation, fear and doubt are mind-made prisons of our own creation. Fortunately, the door is wide open. You can choose to step across the threshold into a world filled with freedom, joy and exploration. Let your light guide you…

Between the Mystic and the Mundane

“Wherever you stand, be the soul of that place.”


To be the soul of a place speaks of conscious silence, empowerment and peace. Our role is to bring a sacredness to all that we do. Your spirit can lift the energy of those around you. An awakened spiritual seeker can transform the mundane into the ordinary because of the light that shines through them.

Unique gifts are discovered by slowing down and keeping things simple. Whether walking in a garden or standing on a subway, there is magic to be discovered. Oneness arises through Presence and rather than waiting for such moments to arrive, create them. This can become your natural way of experiencing life and that is the art of Zen – living an ordinary life in an extraordinary way.

Balance and awareness allow you to participate in situations one step removed from the emotion and drama, alert to the nuances of the bigger picture because of your expanded vision. Drop all judgment and attachment to the details and be available for whatever comes your way. If you stumble, find the humor, pick yourself up and walk on. You are a bridge between the mystic and the mundane.

Creating Change

“It’s only after you’ve stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and transform.”
~Roy T. Bennett~

Learn how to listen to your inner wisdom by noticing when your body requests small things like drinking more water or making healthier choices. When you’re ready to shift a pattern that has long been part of your experience, just notice when it arises and very gently do something just a little different each time.With no great fanfare a new energy emerges and you realize that those tiny baby steps have sparked permanent change.

Transformation can often feel overwhelming and indecisiveness tends to create procrastination. Just observe. Notice how the ego finds a reason to wait. Remembering that the ego is always prompting the opposite of what is appropriate for your growth, purposely take action. Any conscious action, no matter how small, sets new energy in motion.

The key is to begin now. Simply be the best version of yourself in this moment. Subtle shifts are occurring all around you and it’s time to participate in the dance. Utilize your strengths. Be led by joy, love or enthusiasm and honor this phase of your awakening as sacred. The future will take care of itself.



Observe when you feel blocked or burdened, when others insult your joy, or when you find yourself trying not to be noticed. These are indicators of ego-driven constriction. Perceived limitation occurs when one fears to stand in their own power. If the fear is internal the souls light is dimmed. Others who reside in fear may try to make you feel small so that they can feel more powerful.

Some pretend to be small so that others in their experience will not feel bad about their own perceived limitation; however, that approach is a decision based upon lack not love. The tendency of lower consciousness is to insult or blame, hoping that others will walk on eggshells around them rather than risk displeasure, disruption or attack. It is actually harder on the one trapped in ego than the one who consciously chooses not to engage in drama.

In this infinite universe, there is ample energy for everyone to thrive. Though not everyone is ready to receive, it is always available. Begin with creating joy in your own experience. Release attachment. Remove yourself from negative situations. Giving, experiencing, loving, celebration and gratitude expand your aura, creating waves of energy that flow outward. Simultaneously gentle and extraordinarily powerful, this flow moves with the rhythm of life. You are a master in the process of awakening. Stop acting so small.


“To practice any art, no matter how well or badly,
is a way to make your soul grow. So do it.”
~Kurt Vonnegut~
When you choose to see through the eyes of love, you begin to unlock life’s mystery. The artist is a channel of divine inspiration. The moment shimmers with potential and we can allow that expansive energy to flow through us into the world of form.
Life is filled with inspiration. The clouds move across the sky, flowers dance on the breeze, beauty waits patiently to be discovered even as it is fleeting and ever-changing.
The artist within you desires expression. Even if no one bears witness to your creation, the ability to see things differently while allowing that vision to move you into action is transformative. Begin by watching life’s artistry. Be still and enjoy the movement all around you. Capture little joys that speak to your soul. Your awareness gives new life to all that you see.
By design, no one experiences the world in quite the same way. Our unique interpretation of life is simply another vibrant, living example of the infinite possibilities available when we play in the field of Now. Beyond ideas of right and wrong is only the voice of the Divine calling us to new levels of conscious expression.

Constructive Action

The challenges that we face bring us into greater awareness. As one navigates disruption, it’s helpful to remember that your soul has agreed to participate for a specific purpose such as a karmic contract, personal test/initiation, the opportunity to see a new facet of growth in motion, teaching by example or facilitating a significant pivot in the life path.

When things feel overwhelming, step into the power of the present moment and keep things simple. Is the action you are taking constructive or restrictive? Feeding energy into the challenge by talking about it to those who are not in a position to change or help is an example of being stuck in a pattern. Speaking about possible solutions and taking baby steps toward them is constructive.

Nothing is more important than your state of consciousness in this moment. Part of your soul work is to share your gifts with the world. No matter where you reside on the journey of awakening, there is always someone coming along behind who can learn from your experiences and inspiration. You are right where you need to be – embrace your unique talents and be gentle with yourself. This is the moment of transformation.

Create Space For Something New

“Change can be scary, but you know what’s scarier? Allowing fear to stop you from growing, evolving, and progressing.”
~Mandy Hale~
What happens when you venture into the unknown? You discover aspects of yourself that have long laid dormant, that seek expression. Your soul begins to shine with an inner light. Fear brings your attention to the present moment while courageousness allows you to move forward anyway.
When we work without a road map, we allow room for the Universe to surprise us. The ego’s desire to plan and prepare prior to taking risks only blocks us from the miracles that will inevitably be drawn into our experience. When plans fall apart, when people leave your life, when you’re left standing alone in the midst of upheaval… it means that room is being prepared for something amazing to happen. Resist nothing.
Choose to see everything merely as an opportunity to expand who you are. Never fear failure for it also has great beauty to share, and indeed, failure leads us to levels of potential that can never be discovered when things are flowing effortlessly. Trust the processes of life. You are safe, loved and supported each and every step of the way.