All Paths Are Sacred

All conflict arises from wanting someone to be different than they are. This one misguided approach to life is a source of great distress for many and it plays out in myriad ways every day.


Become a compassionate listener. Pay attention without internal commentary and cultivate the ability to see beyond the conditioning of the mind. When we approach one another with genuine interest and acceptance, the other person begins to feel safer. They drop some of their defenses and we experience an authentic moment of connection.


Consciously practice this with each person with whom you speak today. Listen and honor their path as sacred. Ask probing questions and see if you can discover something new. Expand your awareness through conscious interaction.


Seek the Divine within the present moment – the majestic energy of the infinite is all around you. Choose to see beyond labels and roles to the truth of the spirit within. Support each journey with compassion and kindness.
There is no greater gift than acceptance. It opens the heart chakra and cultivates our ability to be fully present. Celebrate the dance of awakening, in whatever form it may appear, knowing that all ultimately works to our highest good.