
“Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same.”
~Carlos Castaneda~
Happiness is a choice. So is misery. Each of us is responsible for our own joy; therefore, change begins with consciously changing our thoughts – choosing happiness again and again until it becomes our natural response to daily events. All transformation comes from within.
Life will provide ample opportunities to practice acceptance, forgiveness and compassion. The process of growth is both deeply personal and collective. Your unique journey is one of learning mastery and those who grace your life play the roles required for your awakening.
When you choose thoughts that create empowerment and peacefulness, nothing has the power to take your happiness away. Even in the midst of tremendous challenge, there will be a groundedness of spirit that is unshakable.
In the present moment, can you choose to surrender to what is? That is the foundation of genuine happiness. Make this a daily practice of walking meditation as you go deeper into your own expression of joy. Open yourself to the experience of life without judging or trying to control. This is the art of contentment.

Inner Mastery

“Make your own Bible. Select and collect all the words and sentences that in all your readings have been to you like the blast of a trumpet.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Spiritual Mastery is often not something that is learned, but remembered. An idea or teaching touches your heart or ignites your passion and the soul opens to receive. Your practice will likely lead you to many wonderful teachers and ideas. Each of these is merely a reflection of you. The aspects that are ready to awaken make themselves known. In the words of Rumi, “Don’t go back to sleep!” Find a way to keep them relevant in your experience until they become natural aspects of being.

Consistent practice and authenticity create inner mastery. It’s likely that your expression of consciousness will mature over time as you activate new facets through experience and exploration. Ultimately, your journey is unique. Be your own guru. Celebrate the many manifestations of the Divine as you walk the path of transformation.

May your life contain the richness of spirit that you desire. May your light be a blessing to those who seek inspiration. May the gifts of your soul expand with every step you take.

The Path of Awakening

“The willingness to simply rest in the physical experience of your life is the key to spiritual transformation.”
~Ezra Bayda

Everything in your life experience provides an opportunity to grow. The physical world is a canvas and upon it, you can create whatever you wish.
You may discover that each time you focus on addressing a particular area of your healing, you begin to see the pattern of it everywhere. For instance: you seek to cultivate stronger self-esteem. All of a sudden it may feel that you’re under attack – others are unkind, demand too much from you or have no empathy for your feelings. These frustrations are not obstacles on your path – they are your path. The only way to address them is to go within, know your value and seek to address each situation with grace and empowerment in order to rise above. This is the process of growth.
Begin with daily efforts to be more aware. Bring a willingness to see clearly and consistently practice, practice, practice – everywhere you can. Your awareness alters and transforms the experience until one day you notice that you are handling situations that previously disrupted your joy… and handling them very well. You have set yourself free from an old pattern of conditioning into an arena of unlimited possibility.

The Nature of Change

Something beautiful happens when we embark upon the winds of change. Fresh experiences require greater attention and awareness and break us free from habitual patterns. In the process of discovery, we can explore the magic of new beginnings.

It’s helpful to have a blend of consistent practice and mindful exploration. As you cultivate the understanding that all things work toward your highest good, it’s easier to flow with change when it occurs. The experiences of your life have already shown the depths of your strength, planted seeds for growth and pivoted your direction, when required.

Reside in the fullness of what is. You are consistently engaged in the process of transformation and it’s important to release that which no longer serves your growth. Clinging to the knowns of the past will create discomfort.

When going through a painful transition, losing a loved one or facing uncertainty, the ego will respond through the intellect of the mind saying, “Stop, you are standing on the abyss, it’s not safe, we don’t know what awaits.” Conversely, the soul asks you to trust that you are supported. By gathering your courage and taking one more conscious step forward, you enter the realms of infinite possibility where miracles dwell.


Create Your Own Path

“You create a path of your own by looking within yourself and listening to your soul, cultivating your own ways of experiencing the sacred and then practicing it. Practicing until you make it a song that sings you.”

~Sue Monk Kidd~

Whenever you feel connected to the planet, when you feel the love of the Divine, when life expands for you, celebrate it, love it, welcome it with open arms and you will be transformed. A tree is more alive than the trappings of belief… we commune with all life by acknowledging it with deep reverence and respect. We are the bridge between the earth and the Divine. The experience of our physical world allows us to explore both through the miracle of life.

You must create your own path to the temple. There can be no compromise of your authentic nature – the moment you seek to try to keep everyone else happy, you begin to lose yourself. The spiritual seeker has to work hard to maintain his or her individual nature in the face of society’s expectations and beliefs. The Path of Transformation is a unique journey.

When the energy of the Divine is dancing in you, in union and deep harmony with life, you become a blessing to the world. There is no final destination, just the journey, the insights and discoveries. Explore the depths of your majesty.


“As we grow in our consciousness.. there will be more compassion and more love. And then… the barriers between people.. between religions.. and between nations will begin to fall.”
~Ram Dass~

There’s no great trick to expanding one’s consciousness; however, the ego will often distract with excessive thought, perpetuating a belief that one needs a particular type of spiritual experience or insight in order to achieve enlightenment. Many run from one spiritual fad to another never realizing the beauty and simplicity of becoming deeply immersed within the present moment.

Books, teachers and experiences are all pointers to truths that reside within each of us. We tend to get inspired when we discover someone with whom we harmonize at the deepest level. Utilize these insights by immediately putting them into practice as much as possible.

Challenges offer opportunities to expand consciousness. First, become aware of any imbalance. Awareness allows a moment of observation of the antics of the ego-mind. Our initial response will be either reactive or conscious. Simply notice. Reactivity prolongs the discomfort while a conscious response takes ownership and expresses itself in a healthy way. Rather than using the mind to understand consciousness, use life as a vehicle to experience it.