Let the Universe Surprise You

“What the Universe will manifest when you are in alignment with it is a lot more interesting that what you try to manifest.



We humans have limited perception. This is by design. Our lack of vision creates an ego-driven desire to understand or achieve more; however, the lesson is actually about learning how to trust.

Our dreams are meant to awaken new experiences and will often prompt us to embark upon roads less traveled. The key is to enjoy the journey and to be open to the changes, soul connections and experiences that flow into our lives.

It’s wonderful to have preferences and goals but far more important to learn how to work toward them without attachment. When we demand that life conform to our dreams and desires, we limit the outcome to only that which our limited perception can imagine. As we learn to approach the journey with a sense of wonder and trust, we create a space in which miracles can occur.

Leave enough room in your experience for the universe to surprise you. There is much more happening on your behalf than you realize and one day, looking back, you’ll see the perfection in it all.

Enter the Mystery

“That is where my dearest and brightest dreams have ranged — to hear for the duration of a heartbeat the universe and the totality of life in its mysterious, innate harmony.”
~Hermann Hesse~
There is something deeply beautiful about sensing the miraculous in the mundane. As spiritual beings having a human experience, we are living conduits between the mystical and physical. Let your heart find delight in the simple pleasures of the present moment.
In stillness, it becomes possible to merge with the energies of the sky, a tree, the ocean or music. Allow yourself to enter the realms of limitless possibility. Just be. Explore Oneness with the world around you. The more expansive your vision, the more able you’ll be to see beyond the roles and limited perception of others. Therein lies the freedom of enlightenment.
See those who grace your life as partners in the dance of awakening. Listen with an open heart with the knowledge that the universe often speaks through the unlikeliest of sources. These gifts of spirit blend to create a tapestry of exquisite design. One day you’ll step back and be able to recognize the mystery and the perfection of it all.

Know Thyself

There is nothing more beautiful than someone who is calm, empowered and consistent. This comes from clarity about who you are and what you feel called to do. The awakened inner purpose shines through an ever-evolving life. When you truly know yourself, decisions become easy. If something is out of alignment with your authentic nature and calling, it is not a good use of your energy.

You are here to awaken. Part of that process is the examination of shadow and light, finding your purpose, removing inner obstacles and taking empowered action. There is no need to seek outside validation, the movement of energy dances throughout your experience as you express your unique way of being in the world.

All of life’s experiences have brought you to this moment of perfection. Wholeness is demonstrated by conscious action. When you create a sound foundation from which to work, your peace is a form of protection and inner guidance is always accessible. Explore your preferences and passions with detachment. This allows room for the Universe to surprise you.

Whatever you set in motion, know that you are right where you need to be and that everything will unfold in the perfect way at the perfect time.



“You don’t need to be perfect to inspire others. Let people get inspired by how you deal with your imperfection.”
~Wilson Kanadi~
In the midst of chaos and confusion, all is well. When things fall apart, there is an opportunity to let go of expectation and desire and simply do our best in the present moment. Teach yourself the joy of being at ease during unexpected circumstances. See the perfection in the imperfection.

When people strive for perfection, they seek to exert mental and physical control in a world that is messy and unpredictable. Rather than demanding a specific outcome, practice doing your best and working with the resulting energy. Then, imperfection becomes your teacher. The result? Humor, peace, laughter, joy…. 

You are a powerful co-creator in your life experience. There is nothing more beautiful than someone who is consistently authentic and untroubled. Life is what it is. Are you choosing to enjoy it?

Perfection in the Imperfection

“To become a great teacher, one must become a teaching.”
~Gabrielle Roth~
In the midst of chaos and confusion, all is well. When things fall apart, there is an opportunity to release expectation and focus on doing our best in the present moment. Cultivate the art of being at ease during unexpected circumstances.
Can you see it? Can you look at a seed and see it’s perfection, it’s potential? Encased in a protective shell until it’s ready to sprout, the seed carries the potential of growth – not only of the one sprouting, but of the many, many plants that will evolve from it.
The spiritual seeker can bring this same light to those with whom they interact. Is the person in front of you a seed full of potential, a flower in bloom or decline or ready to nurture the energy of the future? All aspects are natural and part of the perfection of the process of growth.
Choose to find the perfection in the imperfection. See the value of everything and how it may serve our unfolding journey. When we honor all things as sacred, we tend to experience greater peace, compassion and acceptance. What a wonderful place to reside.


“Celebration is a thankfulness; it is prayer that comes out of gratitude. It is the recognition of the gift that has been given to us… it is understanding. It is overflowing love for the existence that has done so much for us.”


There is no need to wait for a reason to be joyful. Honor this moment through laughter and playfulness and bring a gentle awareness to the perfection of your life. The ego-mind creates heaviness that distracts us from enjoying the present moment. It may tell you that things are not good enough, that you are not yet good enough or that there’s too much to be done… there’s no time to be silly or frivolous. Consider that the ego’s job is to teach through contrast; therefore, choosing to purposely explore the opposite of it’s serious inclination is a good use of your energy.

Those who know how to celebrate life also know the joys of working hard, and loving deeply. They bring an empowered, meditative quality to the present moment rather than being lost in thought. See if you can recognize the sacredness in the ordinary. All that you seek is within you. All of existence responds to the wonder of your light.