Live Deeply

“When you arise in the morning think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love.”

~Marcus Aurelius~

Stillness is the doorway through which one can access inner wisdom. Choosing to begin each day with consistent practice – gratitude, meditation, prayer, yoga, writing, etc. – generates a movement of energy that will allow you to tap into that same peacefulness more easily whenever needed.

When facing a challenge, see if you can observe any reactivity or defensiveness that arises. These ego-driven surface tensions are meant to distract you from the lesson or healing that is at hand. Live deeply and enter the realm of infinite possibilities contained within the Now. This moment is the point of power and transformation and your state of consciousness absolutely matters.

Live in communion with life. Become one with the experiences that come your way and walk the path with humility. Look deeply into the eyes of another – a loved one, a child, a friend or simply hug a tree and realize that the love is returned. The sacred works through all forms, calling you home. In stillness we can experience the fullness of life. Bring that sacred energy into the present moment.



The Untroubled Spirit

“The first rule is to keep an untroubled spirit. The second is to look things in the face and know them for what they are.”
~Marcus Aurelius~

When you can see beyond the mechanisms of the ego, you are well on your way to a life unencumbered by drama. The actions of others always demonstrate their the filter through which they view the world. Since you cannot please all the people all the time, you are free to live in your integrity.

Nothing matters more than your state of consciousness in the present moment. The awakening soul learns to be non-reactive in intense situations and waits for the appropriate time to take action. As we drop reactivity, our energy becomes more focused and succinct. The way forward makes itself known and we can act while remaining detached from the outcome.

In a world beset with judgment, intensity and blame, we have the opportunity to demonstrate a different way of being. Create spaces that are peaceful for you. Fill your life experience with things that bring you joy, but remain content. Through the wisdom born of experience, one can see clearly yet still choose to walk through life with an untroubled spirit.

Peaceful Stillness

“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn.”
~John Muir~

Periodically give yourself the gift of solitude and nurture your spirit.

Stillness opens the possibility of transformation, creativity and empowered solutions. Excessive busyness is a form of avoidance. When one runs non-stop from the moment they awaken, they block the peace and presence that is found in the stillness of the present moment. So, in your moments of quietude, be still. Don’t think of the next task that needs to be done, replay past events in your mind or worry about the future. Just be. Know. Honor yourself, your space and the present moment as sacred.

Become the observer rather than the doer. Give yourself time away from distractions and just be. These moments of solitude and stillness will help align you with the authentic peaceful and balanced nature of your soul. You can choose to create an empowered and joyful path by receiving the grace that is always available in the Now.

Holding Space

“When I dare to be powerful—to use my strength in the service of my vision—then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.” 
~Audre Lorde~
When you find your purpose, new strengths are often discovered. The purpose of adversity is to help uncover hidden facets of potential through experience. Likewise, those you love need to cultivate their own courage and empowerment. Knowing your own strength helps you stay balanced when you hold space for another.
Holding space can sometimes be challenging. The ego may want to swoop in to fix or rescue; however, that can actually block someone from completing karma or learning a particular lesson. To offer support, acceptance, and peacefulness in the midst of intensity is a gift of love. To hold a hand, to offer encouragement, to be a mirror that reflects the others’ strength and potential are gifts of spirit.
Some people obviously learn more quickly than others. Be patient. This human experience is an exploration and lessons learned, no matter how great or small, will be carried forward into the next life. Breakthroughs can happen at any moment. Let us all hold space, set an example and remember that we are walking one another home.

Creating a Joyful Life

I believe a joyful life is made up of joyful moments, gracefully strung together by trust, gratitude, inspiration, and faith.
Brené Brown
The littlest things can bring the greatest joy. It is created by the way that we appreciate and approach life. But, as with everything else, the experience of joy is a choice that we make again and again until it becomes our natural way of being.
When life is a mixture of tragedy and comedy, paradoxes and ridiculousness, laughter and love, we’re getting close. Sometimes it feels as if the world is running amok, and yet, in this moment there’s a beautiful kitten purring happily in my lap as I write. She brings a smile to my face as my heart is overwhelmed with joy. There will always be a blend of feeling deeply connected to the Divine in the midst navigating the challenges of life.
Notice all the opportunities to experience moments of joy, bliss, contentment, peace and mindfulness in your daily journey. You may come to realize that they are all around you, all the time. Sometimes, deep in the uncertain cacophony of life, a skyward glance to appreciate the clouds or stars will remind you of the continuity that exists. You are one with this permanence. You are infinite. You are love.

Little Miracles

“A miracle is often the willingness to see the common in an uncommon way.”
Noah Benshea

Many walk through life blind to the beauty and possibilities that surround them. Distracted by the mind, all they see are struggles that need to be overcome, money to be made or others to impress. These outward distractions are so all-encompassing that they often overwhelm.

As we begin to break free from conditioned thought, we can return to the realm of the love. Within it, we discover that there is enough time, that things are simple and life is filled with little miracles that remind us that we are here to expand rather than contract.

Take the time to appreciate the little things. When a hummingbird makes you stop and smile, a breathtaking sunset fills your heart with color, or a breeze gently rustles the leaves of trees nearby, simply notice. These sparks of energy are everywhere, waiting to inspire the movement of love within us.

Love and peacefulness combine and are expressed as kindness and compassion. Seeing life differently allows us to experience life differently. The purpose is to awaken.

Your Moments of Stillness

“Alone-in moments of prayer or meditation, or simply in stillness-we breathe more deeply, see more fully, hear more keenly. We notice more, and in the process, we return to what is sacred.”
~Katrina Kenison~
There is no right way to enter stillness. The beauty of exploration is discovering the ways in which your unique light comes alive. Over the years I’ve found peacefulness in the small moments of conscious gratitude – sitting outside with a good book, writing in the early hours of the morning, watching the sun rise as I commune with the Divine, eating mindfully. There is nothing unusual or earth-shattering about my practice. It simply soothes my soul.
Your peacefulness is the barometer of your awakening. As you engage with life, be the observer. Notice how you respond to the unexpected or the unwanted. Simplify where you can and fill your experience with little sparks of joy. The infinite source of life itself seeks to express itself through you. Give yourself time to be. The pathway to love is lit from within and in order to access that guiding wisdom, stillness is required.