To Love…

“See and live life for the wonderful gift that it is …acknowledging everyone’s beauty, flaws, frailty, strength, gifts and possibilities. Honor and cherish it and above all be loving and compassionate. Here is the birthplace of inner and worldly peace.”

~Rasheed Ogunlaru~

To live in the frequency of love is to honor all that you see as sacred. As you expand in consciousness, it becomes easier to see through the mechanisms of the ego and the roles that people play. Old souls often view the world differently and must learn to walk in their truth, even in the face of ridicule.

The Tao te Ching says that the laughter of the unawakened is a necessary aspect of our collective experience. Rather than trying to change their minds, seek to find a way to love the soul that teaches through adversity. From them we learn self control, confidence, non-reactivity and patience.

We all walk the same path. Though we may be at differing levels of consciousness, love is the goal. Find your way by recognizing and honoring the potential within you, and there will come a time when the light of love shines so brightly that all shadows will be dispelled.

The Way of Love

“Wherever you are, you are one with the clouds and one with the sun and the stars you see. You are one with everything. That is more true than I can say, and more true than you can hear.”
~Shunryu Suzuki~

Authentic change takes patience and consistency. While a flash flood can do some immediate damage, things tend to go back to normal once  the waters recede. The slow, constant movement of water, however, can carve through mountains, change the form of rock or ultimately lead itself onward to the sea.

Everything that you experience is multifaceted. On the surface it may prompt a quick interpretation; however, learning how to examine differing perspectives is a powerful tool. The immediate reaction is the flash flood, while mindfulness is the water that gently carves new openings through the hardest of energies.

When you choose to see yourself, the world, and all it contains as sacred, your behavior will transform. Everything pulsates with the vibrant energy of the Divine and for those who have eyes to see, all is love.

Being at Ease With the Unknown

“Suffering turns into hopelessness when you forget that it’s your teacher.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Sometimes it may feel like you are stuck. You’ve completed one aspect of your journey, the energy there has depleted and you may feel unsure of what your next steps should be. These are the perfect times to practice being present and cultivate the art of patience. The ego wants to pace in frustration – “I need to move now!” and it can be a struggle to remember that you’re exactly where you need to be.

When traveling by train in Europe a few years ago, I discovered that the process was to simply to stand ready and periodically glance at the board to see when the next train was coming and where it would arrive. Being there for the first time, it was a bit unnerving to figure out a new process and trust that all was well. Some trains were right on time and easy to spot while others simply showed a delay and, of course, no amount of angst would hurry it along any faster.

The same concept applies to your spiritual journey. When you’ve completed one aspect of your growth, you must exit the train and wait. This period of stoppage is often necessary while outside factors fall into place for the next steps of your journey. At that moment you have a choice: you can complain or worry, or you can interact with those around you and pass the time in a way that’s open and friendly. When you consciously choose to bring willingness and patience to all the little aspects of your daily walk, your life becomes a peaceful place.