The Path of Awakening

“The willingness to simply rest in the physical experience of your life is the key to spiritual transformation.”
~Ezra Bayda

Everything in your life experience provides an opportunity to grow. The physical world is a canvas and upon it, you can create whatever you wish.
You may discover that each time you focus on addressing a particular area of your healing, you begin to see the pattern of it everywhere. For instance: you seek to cultivate stronger self-esteem. All of a sudden it may feel that you’re under attack – others are unkind, demand too much from you or have no empathy for your feelings. These frustrations are not obstacles on your path – they are your path. The only way to address them is to go within, know your value and seek to address each situation with grace and empowerment in order to rise above. This is the process of growth.
Begin with daily efforts to be more aware. Bring a willingness to see clearly and consistently practice, practice, practice – everywhere you can. Your awareness alters and transforms the experience until one day you notice that you are handling situations that previously disrupted your joy… and handling them very well. You have set yourself free from an old pattern of conditioning into an arena of unlimited possibility.

Living Your Truth

I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.
~Rabindranath Tagore~

Your role is to discover your unique path and live it to the best of your ability. Nothing is more fulfilling than living in one’s truth. When we stop trying to comply with other’s beliefs or expectations, and seek authentic joy in the sacred space of daily life, a space opens… and in this space, miracles are possible.

If you have found your passion, live it Now to the best of your ability. If your search continues, trust that your soul’s mission will make itself known to you at the perfect time.
Everyone has something  beautiful to offer – a moment of compassion or empathy can be life-changing for those who are touched by your energy. Sharing new insights, artistic vision, passion or laughter can open new avenues of experience. Never doubt the transformative power of your conscious choices and interactions.