Navigating the Paradox

“It’s the paradox of the true spiritual path, but the more conscious we become of what limits us, the more limitless becomes our life.”
~Guy Finley~

Don’t try to change, simply be aware… awareness begins the process of transformation. Spiritual practice is often a blend of paradox – confusion and clarity, separation and wholeness, detachment and presence. The word paradox itself comes from the Greek para dokien which means beyond thought. See yourself as a physical expression of the Divine who wishes to experience life in it’s various forms. Teach yourself how to see through the illusion while acting consciously within the present moment. Eventually the illusion becomes easier to navigate on the path toward Oneness.

Be gentle with yourself and remain open to the potential that joy brings. No matter what teachings you embrace, you must ultimately trust your own divine nature in order to align with your truth and integrity. Give yourself permission to live consciously within the paradox without dissecting or analyzing it.

The same energy, knowledge and peace discovered by all the masters who have walked the Path of Transformation awaits you within the openness of your own heart. For all our searching, the answers lie within.

Present Moment Acceptance

“The true task of a spiritual life is not found in faraway places or unusual states of consciousness. It is here in the present.”

~Jack Kornfield~

Small acts of kindness can change the world around us. Just as consistent drops of water will eventually transform stone, loving actions leave a lasting impact. Practice reaching out in thoughts and behavior with kindness. When you choose to see the sacredness in all beings and in every situation, you become a channel for the love, light and laughter of the Divine.

The paradox of higher consciousness is this: By giving without asking, we attract all that we need. By putting others first, we wind up ahead. When we live without fear, life responds to us in miraculous ways.

Seek to break free from the limiting belief that life “should” be a certain way and instead, choose to embody complete acceptance of life as it is. Acceptance is not predicated on liking something; however, its presence opens the possibility of clarity and empowered movement.
Your journey is your own. Each of us is ultimately responsible for our own joy and the unique way that we choose to walk through the world.

Living Within Paradox

“Since ancient times, spiritual masters of all traditions have pointed to the Now as the key to the spiritual dimension. Despite this, it seems to have remained a secret.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

Don’t try to change, simply be aware… awareness heals. Spiritual practice is often a blend of paradox – confusion and clarity, separation and wholeness, detachment and presence. The word paradox itself comes from the Greek para dokien which means beyond thought. See yourself as a physical expression of the Divine who wishes to experience life in various forms. Allow yourself to look through the illusion yet act consciously within the present moment. Eventually the illusion will become easier to see through as we remember our true nature and mission.

So many suffer, lost within the “why’s” and entrapped by the mind. The same energy, knowledge and peace discovered by all the masters who have walked the Path of Transformation awaits you within the openness of your own heart. For all our searching, the answers lie within.

It can take great courage to learn to trust your inner wisdom. Teachers, circumstances and guides are all there to point to the inner awareness, but until one is willing to see, there it waits. Trust yourself, be gentle with yourself and open to the potential that joy brings. No matter what teachings you encounter, trust your own divine nature in order to align with your truth and integrity. Give yourself permission to live consciously within the paradox, without dissecting or analyzing it.

Paradox, Humor, Change

“Life has three rules: Paradox, Humor, and Change.
– Paradox: Life is a mystery; don’t waste your time trying to figure it out.
– Humor: Keep a sense of humor, especially about yourself. It is a strength beyond all measure
– Change: Know that nothing ever stays the same.”
~Dan Millman~

It can take great courage to learn to trust your inner wisdom. Teachers and circumstances point the way to the inner awareness, but until one is willing to see, there it patiently waits. Trust yourself and be open to the potential that joy brings. No matter what you encounter, operate from a space of truth and integrity. Give yourself permission to reside within the paradox without dissecting or analyzing it.

Consciously practice moving quickly to acceptance instead of getting lost within the why. When we allow our experiences to be a celebration, we can live joyfully within life’s mystery while remaining grateful for the love, lessons and laughter.

Miracles happen with you create space and allow the divine to surprise you. New people, changes in perception and conscious interactions can alter your life in amazing ways. The soul longs for growth, for dramatic expansion. There is nothing to fear but fear itself.

Creative Fire

“If you cling too much to logic you will never be able to be part of the living process that this existence is. Life is more than logic: life is paradox, life is mystery.”

The joy of creativity lies in the act of creating itself. When we open to inspiration, our energy and actions enhance life on every level. We cultivate more beauty, gratitude, joyfulness and passion in our experience. Whether you write, play music, celebrate the art of cooking, add your flair while decorating your sacred space or dance your way through raindrops, in creativity we discover our unique connection to the Divine.

Creativity connects you to your bliss and adds dimension to your experience. Solitude provides a space to play alone in your vision, to  experiment without fear, discard what doesn’t work and celebrate when it feels right. In moments of deep connection thought disappears, the art disappears, the artist disappears and all that remains is the Divine, expressing itself in physical form.

Express yourself from the highest vibration possible and you will touch the energy of the masters. Then, because you are a channel of light and wonderment, life becomes a powerful, mystical experience.

Living in the Paradox

“Humor and paradox are often the only ways to respond to life’s sorrow with grace.”
~Matthew Fox

As spiritual beings having a human experience, our purpose is to discover the delicate balance of grace while living within a paradox. Awakened spirituality creates a dance of evolving energies, weaving dark and light into insight, compassion and understanding.

Love creates the movement of connection. When we learn to see everything and everyone as our reflection, we bring a different response to the events of life. Wisdom calls upon us to realize how little we know. We are at the very beginning of an incredible journey, and no matter how much we learn in the physical realm, we will ultimately experience the humility that comes through the realization of how much there is left to discover. That’s the beauty of living in an infinite Universe.

Allow yourself the opportunity to flow between the frequencies of love and wisdom. See yourself as an adventurer in the midst of discovery. Bring a sense of innocence and trust to your experiences and walk the journey with faith. You are loved, supported and guided each and every step of the way.


Life is an Adventure

“Life is an adventure. If you treat it as such, you’ll enjoy it’s happiness”
~Manny Segarra~
How we choose to see life determines how we experience it. Everyone faces both intense challenges and great beauty – this is a world of paradox after all… but many believe that if they evolve or if they do the right thing that life will fall into place and the struggle will cease. This is only half true. The struggle will certainly cease; however, life will be what it is – a constant ebb and flow of energy and experience. If you allow it, everything will assist you in awakening.
Choose to see your life as an adventure. Face any challenges that arise with expectation and wonder knowing that you are ready for a breakthrough to new levels of awareness. By design we have limited perception. Remind yourself that even though you cannot yet understand the lesson or the purpose behind your current circumstances, that all is well. There may be a new friend among strangers. You may discover new skills and passions. It’s important to remember that life will always present the perfect situation that is needed for your spiritual growth.


“Wisdom is knowing I am nothing,
Love is knowing I am everything,
and between the two my life moves.”
~Nisargadatta Maharaj~
Our human experience is one of paradox – everything is messed up, yet everything is ok. When we pull back from the stories of the mind and become loving observers, we discover the ability to live within the paradox.
We are One, yet each of us has a unique path of awakening and each of us must do our own work. Contrasts are required: there is no love without hate, no light without the darkness, no awakening without sleep.
Learn to see the value in everything. Move out of blame and desire and instead, see yourself as an infinite source of energy experiencing the illusion of separation. Seek only to awaken. Know that your journey is infinite and that you will never stop learning. But also, know that you are Divine, a master in the process of remembering. Human perception is small and limited… life and love are immense.


“Awareness is the greatest alchemy there is. Just go on becoming more and more aware, and you will find your life changing for the better in every possible dimension. It will bring great fulfillment.”

Let your life be the living flame of awareness. Layer by layer the veils of illusion are burned away and we open to receive the gifts which are available. It may be hard to imagine the beauty that awaits, but truly that is the one and only reason for your sojourn in space and time – discovery. There is nothing specific that you need to do, only drop that which blocks your vision.

The paradox of the world is to live in it while bringing greater awareness to all that you do. Choose just an hour today and approach every task fully present – no multitasking, slow and conscious, grateful and alert. This will teach you how to become the observer and see the sacred which resides within every moment.

Your inner guidance speaks in whispers – the more you trust it, the stronger it becomes and the more attuned you are to the wisdom which emanates from the very core of your being. The way to know that you’re on the right path is that you will feel more whole, peaceful, balanced and integrated, even in the midst of a challenge.


“The greatest challenge in life is to be our own person and accept that being different is a blessing and not a curse. A person who knows who they are lives a simple life by eliminating from their orbit anything that does not align with his or her overriding purpose and values. A person must be selective with their time and energy because both elements of life are limited.”
~Kilroy J. Oldster~

Your expression of life is unique. Younger souls seek to fit in, to follow the crowd and often look for outside validation in order to feel safe. The awakening master sees beauty in diversity and can remain aligned with their own true nature even in the face of adversity or ridicule.

Old souls struggle at times because they see the world in a more expansive way. Not only does that broaden perception, but it also creates paradoxical viewpoint that we must embrace while dropping opinion and judgment. This takes practice and is a skill that can only be honed by consistent practice.

Love who you are. Dance in the realms of joy as you do your work. We are grateful for the unique way that you shine.