Conscious Transformation

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
~George Bernard Shaw~
Contrast helps us to create change in our experience. It’s important to recognize the value of accepting things that we traditionally avoid. Lack can bring greater abundance. Illness can prompt us into healthier choices. Hatred teaches the power of love. The nuances of life can only be seen and appreciated through acceptance; therefore, acceptance is the key component to conscious transformation.
Become a loving witness and cultivate the art of living without attachment. Empowerment is possible when we can be objective and make choices that support healthy transformation. Many times this is simply achieved by releasing things that no longer serve you. Baby steps spark miracles.
All change begins with a vision. Keeping the end result in mind, taking conscious action in the present moment and celebrating the new as it appears is all that is required. Create space in your experience and allow the Universe to surprise you.
Take some time to celebrate your journey today. Dance as you cleanse your home. Play some music that uplifts your soul. Cook a meal with loving intention… You are alive, an exquisite spark of infinity looking to create a new experience… and no one does it quite like you.


“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

When you bring the best version of yourself to this moment, the future will take care of itself. Plans are best utilized to set a new energy in motion, for they encompass expanded vision, desire, expression and joy. Many falter when attachment to the initial concept and plan supersedes the original inspiration. When faced with a blockage or unexpected transition, if you observe the ego becoming more active, ask “Is _____ more important than my state of consciousness?” The answer is likely going to be no.

Energy is fluid, ever-changing and light. Dance within the vibrancy of this moment knowing that something beautiful is in motion. It is our nature to be limited in perception and vision; therefore, trust that your soul knows exactly what it is doing. As we awaken, we release layers of outmoded beliefs, energetic blockages and attachments. With each conscious step forward we discover that the joy is in the doing. This is the moment of your transformation.

Express yourself, find your flow and step into the fullness of who you are. Life will respond accordingly.

New Beginnings

It takes time, experience and experimentation to come into the fullness of who you are. When you trust the processes of your awakening and are willing to receive, something magical begins to happen. Subtle shifts of awareness compound into a unique approach to life.

Your Higher Self operates from a different level of perception. Creating harmony in your life experience is imperative. It softens the voice of ego and allows you to engage with life in a way that is healthy, supportive and patient.

This dance of awakening is ever-evolving. As we enter new playgrounds of experience we can choose to support one another and joyfully discover unexplored aspects of ourselves in the process. Remember, sometimes we have to be who we aren’t in order to discover who we are.

Mastery calls upon us to be aware of our state of consciousness in the Now. Your peacefulness creates peaceful experiences. Your love creates loving experiences. When you choose to embody grace and acceptance, your life will flow more easily. Expansion requires us to drop things which no longer serve our growth. It allows us to step into empowerment and flow with the movement of life. From there, anything is possible.

Seeing Clearly

“Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretense. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.”


We use the term awakening to indicate seeing through the illusions of this world. There are multiple layers of interpretation. Each level of consciousness creates a different filter through which we process information. Part of the process of revisiting old issues and circumstances is to gain a deeper understanding through the exploration of these varied perceptions.

Those who remain stuck in a particular mindset create a prison of limitation. When we are willing to drop the things that no longer serve our evolutionary growth, we create space in which transformation can occur. Humility combined with a sense of adventure guides us into the unknown, and there we can discover something new.

Let your innocence guide the way. You are a wanderer, and this sojourn is filled with the magic of new beginnings.


“People have a hard time letting go of their suffering.
Out of a fear of the unknown,
They prefer suffering that is familiar.“
~Thich Nhat Hanh~
When plans crumble or change is thrust upon us, the natural human tendency is to resist. The mind prefers the known to the unknown, even when the unknown offers the possibility of freedom, happiness or growth. Because of this, many will often stay trapped in repetitive cycles long after they have served any useful purpose.
Life will often shake up the status quo. These moments of intensity or loss contain the seeds of new beginnings. Remind yourself that everything in your experience is there to help you grow or to wake you up. Challenges bring hidden strengths to the surface and once the storm has passed, there will be clarity and limitless potential to explore as you build again.
We can choose to look forward with optimism. Rather than losing oneself in the belief that life is wrong or mistakes were made, see each moment as an opportunity to discover the best of yourself. You are loved, and you are stronger than you know.