Living the Mystery

“Remember, mystery isn’t something that you cannot understand—it is something that you can endlessly understand! There is no point at which you can say, “I’ve got it.” Always and forever, mystery gets you!”
~Richard Rohr~

When you view life as a mystery, new doors will open. Those who are trapped in thought become lost in the mire of projection, seeing only what they are programmed to see. The only thing that transforms this prison is silent awareness. Pay attention to your thoughts and you’ll notice that they are all ideas that have been passed down from others.

The mind is not reality; it is a limited interpretation of experience. Once you lock into an idea or a belief, you block all other possibility. Seeing life as a mystery implies that it cannot be solved or completely understood. We need to learn to become open, receptive and clear. Thoughts come and go, but the stillness of your eternal being always remains.
Cultivating an awareness of your ability to create joy brings a sense of freedom into your experience. Be present for whatever arises in the Now and live without pretense. You have nothing to prove and everything to discover.

Sacred Space

“Gratitude is a sacred space where you allow and know that a force greater than your ego is always at work and always available.”
Wayne Dyer~

Once you discover what makes you feel deeply connected to the Divine, immerse yourself within it on a daily basis. Quiet moments in gratitude, tending your garden, reading in the sunshine, doing yoga, playing music, preparing food, meditation, prayer, journaling, conscious breath… anything that soothes your soul is a doorway to peace.

Repetitive behavior creates a shift in your energetic field. When you consciously set an intention to feel balanced, peaceful and grateful, it becomes easier to access the energy that has already been set in motion. In this way, you carry your sacred space with you.

You are the conduit through which the Divine experiences itself in the world of form. With this in mind, you can look upon life with eyes of mystery and delight and it becomes a sanctuary where that experience can be honored.