Mercury Retrograde

A few times a year Mercury goes retrograde. Typically this impacts us on the physical plane by adding extra challenges around communication, contracts, travel and mechanical malfunction. Since this is a repetitive energy, it’s helpful to weave it into your consciousness work. Don’t avoid challenges; choose to face them with patience and humor.

Yesterday as I went to write, my computer just sat thinking… and thinking… and thinking. After waiting about 30 minutes for things to flow, I decided to accept what is, let go of the idea of creating my normal Wow Moment, and go back to bed. While consistency is a big part of my personal practice, my state of consciousness is more important.

It was nice to observe that the ego was nearly non-existent in that moment. I tried and the energy didn’t flow. So, I moved on to gratitude and had a lovely day.

Since Mercury Retrograde stays in play through May 14th, you may benefit from observing it’s influence in your own experience. Give yourself extra time in case you need to be flexible, communicate mindfully, laugh at life a little and journal whatever arises. Like everything else, our collective experiences provide wonderful opportunities for growth.