Loving-Kindness Meditation

Loving-Kindness Meditation
(from the book Beyond Happiness by Ezra Bayda)

Using conscious breath, draw your attention to the present moment. Think of someone you have positive feelings for and breathe them in to the heart chakra. This activates your innate loving-kindness. As you continue with slow, conscious breaths stay with each line below for a few breaths each. Visualize radiant energy expanding outward…

To Oneself
Breathing in, dwelling in the heart.
Breathing out, extending loving-kindness to myself, exactly as I am right now.

Breathing in, dwelling in the heart.
Breathing out, there’s no one special to be.

Breathing in, dwelling in the heart.
Breathing out, just being.

To Another
Breathing (name) in,
May you dwell in the heart.

Breathing (name) in,
May you be healed in your difficulties.

Breathing (name) in,
May your heart be open to others.

To Everyone
Breathing everyone in,
May you dwell in the heart.

Breathing everyone in,
May you be healed in your difficulties.

Breathing everyone in,
May your hearts be open to others.

Breathing in, dwelling in the heart.

Nurturing the art of loving-kindness cultivates a foundation of peaceful contentment. You can walk through the world in a way that is empowered and healthy, and this simple mediation is just one way to consciously align yourself with the Now. Realize on the deepest level that you are a channel through which limitless love can flow.

Expanding Consciousness

“Mind is consciousness which has put on limitations. You are originally unlimited and perfect. Later you take on limitations and become the mind.”
~Ramana Maharshi~
All limitations are self-imposed. When we hold a limiting belief, fear can block the exploration into anything that challenges that belief. The ego is terrified of losing control; therefore, it seeks to keep the illusions in place. Inner resistance is a wonderful indicator that you are moving in a direction that will ultimately bring freedom from the illusion.
As we awaken, the world becomes full of promise and potential. Our passions ignite a journey inward that is limitless. Life then becomes a canvas where we can see these new insights demonstrated in the world of form. There is nothing more important than your state of consciousness in this moment.
In stillness we can discover the fullness of being. Observe the mind and it’s antics while allowing your awareness to transform all that it sees. You are on a journey of awakening, of expansion, of joy. Honor the process by actively and consciously participating in a way that feels liberating. The seeds of infinite possibility lie dormant in the midst of your awareness. Nurture them well.



“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.”
~Thich Nhat Hang~

In the midst of the bombardment of daily life, take time to just be – fully present, patient, easy, aware. Periodically quiet the mind, allow yourself to listen and bring stillness into your experience. Meditation, no matter how you choose to approach it, is an important part of staying balanced. There is a sanctuary within you where you can commune with the Divine.

Stillness and anxiety cannot coexist in the same space, nor can fear and love or hatred and peace. Every cell of your being is filled with Divine Intelligence and, in conscious awareness, the Universe responds. All that you seek is already within you.

Many people say that they don’t know how to meditate or feel that they can’t stop thinking. This is merely a product of the ego that sabotages your efforts before you begin. Just sit and be. Listen to the sounds you hear without identifying or categorizing. Notice the beat of your heart, subtle noises around the house or outside, and take one conscious breath… then another and another.