Celebrate the Day

“Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, love is knowing that I am everything, and between the two my life moves.”


You bring something beautiful to the world that will never be seen again.

When you are able to share your gifts with the world, something amazing happens… People respond to your authenticity. They seek to interact because your energy is uplifting and together, you become part of the dance of awakening.

In every moment we have a choice: to participate or to be the observer. Participation allows you to discover the various nuances of life in a way that observation cannot. Taste, see, touch, feel, hear. Immerse yourself in the beautiful experience of rising consciousness. Your loving energy is an integral aspect of our collective awakening.

There will be moments when you choose to rest in the stillness of infinite possibility. These pauses are also necessary and help to keep you balanced. Peacefulness, when combined with a sense of adventure and humor, provides the foundation for your spirit to thrive throughout your human experience.

See yourself as an explorer in the midst of discovery. Rather than wishing others would awaken, help them to awaken. Your life is your message.


“…something very beautiful happens to people when their world has fallen apart: a humility, a nobility, a higher intelligence emerges at just the point where our knees hit the floor.”
~Marianne Williamson~

Acceptance is saying “Yes” to life. It is not dependent upon liking what is unfolding, rather, it is an inner awareness that releases the ingrained habit of struggle and allows you to step into the present moment with power and grace. Life’s disruptions reveal your strengths.
You are much more than this body or this experience. You are a vast, infinite energy that is in the process of discovery. Simultaneously unique and part of the Oneness that connects us, we are here to discover how to live from the heart.
The purpose of the human existence is to experience every facet of life. So, lifetime after lifetime we play in the world of form. We interact with one another as lovers, enemies, teachers, family and friends in order to discover compassion. Our challenges send us on new roads of adventure and discovery. When you are ready to learn, you’ll find that everyone and everything is your teacher. Living in alignment with your unique way of being in the world will help you to access your inner wisdom.

Share Your Gifts

“Our higher purpose is what we came here to do on a soul level. We are born with the specific interests, talents, and abilities to fulfill that purpose.”

~Shakti Gawain~

We chose the perfect family, soul group, karmic contracts, life situations and personality traits to arrange the circumstances of our lives in order to find our unique way of being in the world. Whatever you choose to do, do it with love and integrity.

When you are balanced and centered, the resulting feelings of fulfillment and peacefulness flow into all you do. Don’t underestimate the value of the gifts you have to offer. You may be a wonderful listener, someone who remains positive in the face of challenges or a frequency holder who keeps others’ energy fields balanced. When your gift comes naturally to you, it’s easy to miss the effect it has on others, but you are quite literally fulfilling your life’s purpose.

You bring something beautiful to the world that was not here before, and will not be seen again. Share your love, your joy and your laughter. In the sharing you will find express an authentic, powerful connection to the love, light and laughter of the Divine.

Be True

“Open your eyes to the beauty around you, open your mind to the wonders of life, open your heart to those who love you, and always be true to yourself.”
~Maya Angelou~

Our relationship to the world reflects our true relationship to ourselves; and through that, awareness of our connection to the Oneness of all life. When we allow the present moment to be as it is without expectation or resistance, we begin to experience the world in all its beauty.
If you encounter conflict in any area of your life – relationships, body image, traffic jams, drama, etc. – understand that it is meant to alert you to the fact that you are out of alignment with your true nature.
Peacefulness in the present moment is needed to become aware of the beauty, the majesty and the sacredness of life. When we become engaged in the discovery of the Self, lessons present themselves everywhere we look. The art of stillness connects us to love. As you watch the sun lighten the sky, you are greeted by love. As the birds awaken and sing in the stillness, you are serenaded by love. In the flow of breath, you are connected to love.

Shared Blessings

To participate in the flow of the universe, we must become adept at the art of giving. When joyful and balanced, you have more compassion, patience, insight and treasures to share.

Life operates though a dynamic and consistent energy exchange. We create a flow of abundance through our willingness to share. No matter what you wish to create in your life experience, set it in motion by giving and receiving with joy, enthusiasm and compassion.

Make a practice of giving to everyone with whom you come into contact. A shared experience, a blessing, a note of support or a flower can spark miracles into motion.

You are a powerful force of love in the world. Your light is transformative, moving effortlessly through time and space of our collective consciousness. In a world of limitless possibility, there is great joy in exploration. New experiences awaken facets of your spirit that are ready to shine. When we choose to share our gifts, we are transformed.

Never stop learning – there is always something new to discover. When we approach life with childlike innocence and wonder, we are able to play in the world of form with an open heart, full of infinite potential.

The Gifts of Adversity

Those that challenge you the most on the physical plane love you the most on the spiritual place. Great gifts are discovered when we go through adversity. Consider the souls that are willing to act in a manner that tests you on many levels. They run the risk of losing your love and friendship in this lifetime while serving a higher purpose in your souls growth.

Consider the challenges of your life, the disappointments, the struggle. Acknowledge the lessons you’ve learned, the skills you’ve developed and see if you can find aspects in each situation for which you can be thankful. This is the true purpose behind the interaction.

The tapestry we weave together is one of brilliant design and mastery. Each circumstance and situation plays its part in the scheme of things. We dance in and out of one another’s awareness only to discover purpose within the chaos and receive the gifts of spirit.

Sometimes the pattern is difficult to see when we are too close to the situation. Distance lends perspective. The higher your vibration, the greater your ability to discern aspects that may have eluded you in the past. Never doubt the purpose and beauty of your experience. The greater the challenge, the greater the breakthrough.

Everything Dances

“The moment is everything. Don’t think about tomorrow; don’t think about yesterday: think about exactly what you’re doing right now and live it and dance it and breath it and be it.”

~Wendy Whelan~

The dance of this moment is a beautiful expression of who you are. Seek only to flow with the rhythms of life and you will discover your unique way of being in the world. There is no need to convince anyone of anything. Instead, honor the beauty of your soul through Presence. The Now offers an opportunity to connect with the sacred in a way that is authentic, magical and vibrant.

We are not here to please everyone. Some will connect with you and join your dance. Others will watch from the sidelines, and yet others will likely ridicule no matter what you do. When living in alignment with your inner truth, no outside validation is required. joy will light up your life experience.

Passion for life – not technique, intelligence or savoir faire – is a powerful foundation to build upon. Your passion ignites energy and sets it in motion. Once in motion, we can find our place in the dance and see where it takes us.


“It’s as though, knowing that everything is possible, suddenly nothing is necessary.”
~Diana Gabaldon~
There are moments when life goes quiet. In the gap between what is and what could be lies a world of infinite possibility. There is nothing quite so beautiful as immersing oneself within the embrace of stillness.
We humans can cause ourselves so much pain. Excessive thought fills these spaces of pure potential with clutter that is then carried into day to day life. Everything becomes too much and the overload causes reactivity, which leads to additional conflict and drama.
Each journey is unique; therefore, there isn’t one “right time” to enter stillness. Those seeking to expand their consciousness must experiment with different ways of engaging the mystery. One thing to remember: it exists for everyone. We can access stillness in the midst of chaos and be at peace, even within the cacophony of experience.
When you discover your own way of going deeper into the present moment, make it a priority in your life. Find ways to work it into your daily routine until it becomes your natural way of being the world. There will come a time when this magnificence, this expanded vision is simply who you are.

Anam Cara (Soul Friend)

“The one you love, your anam cara, your soul friend, is the truest mirror to reflect your soul. The honesty and clarity of true friendship also brings out the real contour of your spirit. It is beautiful to have such a presence in your life.”
~John O’Donohue~

Our purpose is to learn how to give and receive love. That can only be discovered through the removal of any barriers against love that we have built. As we cultivate independence and self-confidence, we can interact with one another without fear. This freedom allows us to discover who we are in the presence of another.

Most of us have a group of 30-40 souls with whom we incarnate throughout our multiple lifetimes. This soul group works together in various forms, utilizing lessons, drama and unwavering support to help one another evolve. Over time, these beautiful souls demonstrate a seasoned love and steadfastness that can lift us to new heights – even in the midst of our challenges.

Give space to those you love. When your souls meet, consciously bring a gentle recognition to the beauty of the depth of love you have for one another. Your interactions will ultimately awaken a sense of safety, authenticity and support.

Trust Love

The infinite love of the Divine surrounds us at all times. Although, there are certainly moments when it is easy to feel separate, bewildered or overwhelmed, there it waits, patiently honoring the process of discovery until we are ready to access it once again.

When the light of consciousness shifts your perception, it allows you to recognize the guidance and support that is available, see your infinite potential and trust yourself enough to step into the flow of life. A shift in perception can create powerful changes in your life. Awareness calls upon us to consistently focus upon the blessings that surround us. This purposeful act of gratitude and willingness opens the door to new experience.

We learn by experiencing contrast. A life filled with love is typically discovered and nurtured by rising above our fears. Your willingness to face the shadows of the soul, ensures that you will emerge changed, empowered and courageous.
When you choose to live from the heart, amazing things begin to happen. Love life as it is and see it as an adventure, exploring and experiencing with innocence and excitement. With each challenge you have the opportunity to learn something new about yourself. These facets bring new sparkle and dimension to the journey.