Create Your Own Reality

“The time has come to turn your heart into a temple of fire.

Your essence is gold hidden in dust.

To reveal its splendor you need to burn in the fire of love.”


Your thoughts create your reality; therefore, purposely focus upon the aspects of your experience that bring you joy. Each moment holds limitless possibilities, yet the human tendency is to amplify perceived problems rather than embrace the beauty of the present moment.

Give yourself time to slow down and breathe. You can choose to fall in love with the day and become a loving witness – no mental noise, just Presence. From this space of awareness right action (or inaction) will make itself known.

When you bring the best version of yourself to the Now, the future takes care of itself. Allow enough room in your experience for the Universe to surprise you. Your passion and sense of purpose will most certainly unlock a way forward in the perfect way at the perfect time. Rather than seeking, just be.

When in a state of balance, peace and empowerment, it’s easier to recognize the myriad opportunities that are available. Find the sacredness of the Now and fall in love.

Engaging Life’s Magic

“When you arise in the morning think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love …”
~Marcus Aurelius~

When hardships arise we have choices: complain, be resentful, blame others or face the challenge and grow from it. Passion for life leads us out of darkness and into the light of consciousness. Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the ability to move forward in spite of it… joyfully discovering our own strength in the process.

Nothing is guaranteed and at times we may feel like the “knowns” of the past are safer; however, as we drop perceived security and take risks in the fullness of our own experience, we begin a dance with the unknown and the limitless possibilities which await. On this amazing journey, planning and over-analyzing won’t create a new reality. We must take steps toward our goals each and every day. Show up, expand, do whatever it takes to put yourself in the realm of receptivity. Life’s magic will meet you there.


“Creativity is the state of consciousness in which you enter into the treasury of your innermost being and bring the beauty into manifestation.”
~Torkom Saraydarian~

The energy behind creation is filled with the life force of the infinite. Consider that there are always new facets to explore, each of which will reveal something that your spirit is ready to learn.

Ancient wisdom is ready to feed your consciousness and transform your life. When you choose to explore with innocence, faith and wonder, you prepare yourself to take a risk and experience something new. You are the conduit between the mystic and the mundane.

It’s imperative to release any limiting beliefs or energetic blockages that slow down the flow of energy. Let the measure of peace in your experience be your barometer. The clearer you are, the more balanced your response to life will be.

Failure is an important aspect in this process. When we miss the mark, we can simply observe, adjust, and act. We learn a great deal from our mistakes and then try again armed with knowledge that we will either succeed or learn. Don’t play it safe. You are here to thrive, to awaken and to love.

A Rose By Any Other Name

“Witches call it spells. Christians call it prayer. Spiritualists call it manifestation. Atheists call it the placebo effect. Scientists call it quantum physics. Everyone’s arguing over its name. No is denying its existence.”

~Kim Dunn~

All over the world various cultures have interpreted the same energy in myriad ways. This aspect of discovery and playfulness centered around how to define the infinite; however, over time our collective ego got ever more attached to being right and thus these interpretations often came to divide us.

It’s empowering to honor every pathway as sacred. All have value at differing levels of consciousness and often overlap. Paradoxical as it may seem, we can nurture the seeds of Oneness through understanding how others experience the world.

Old souls tend to study various belief systems and adopt whatever pieces spark awareness and joy. This combination of ideas creates a unique approach for each soul and we eventually drop all labels and the need to be validated or seen as right. It really doesn’t matter what you believe. All that matters is your level of consciousness and the energy you bring into your experience. Approach the journey with humility, mindfulness and compassion. There is always something new to discover.