Limitless Possibilities

“Our minds are finite, and yet even in these circumstances of finitude we are surrounded by possibilities that are infinite, and the purpose of life is to grasp as much as we can out of that infinitude.”

~Alfred North Whitehead~

As consciousness expands, limitless possibilities are presented. The exploration into the unknown becomes a vital place of ingenuity, potential and empowerment. It’s humbling to remember that no matter how far you have traveled on the path of transformation, you have barely scratched the surface of what you will discover.

Rather than immediately being reactive when presented with challenges, seek to bring new awareness into your life situation. Every circumstance can be viewed as an opportunity to discover aspects of ourselves that are ready to shine. Remember, all perceived mistakes are due to ignorance. As we awaken, we do better. This is true of everyone.

Spiritual wisdom is expressed through kindness and humility. In the face of eternity, we are merely sparks of love seeking expression. The most powerful thing that you can do is to be mindful and consistent in your day-to-day journey. There is a vibrant playground of discovery waiting to be explored. This is your moment of transformation.

Embrace Your Role

“The choices of role determine the nature of experience and perception, the part which the soul will play throughout it’s cycle.”
~from Michael – The Basic Teachings~

When we choose this planet as a playground, we select a role that remains unchanged throughout our many lifetimes. This provides us the opportunity to explore the many facets of being and facilitates karmic lessons.

There are seven roles:

  • Servers make up 30% of the population and are willing to tend to others’ needs
  • Priests comprise 5% of the population. They desire to propel others toward spiritual awakening
  • Artisans are 20% of the world’s population. They are eccentric, creative and bring new things to the physical plane
  • Sages seem more numerous than 8% because they are typically quite visible. They disseminate, inform and see themselves as truth-tellers, often being talkative and quick-witted
  • Warriors help life to function. They are they doers – strong-willed, focused and single minded. They compose 20% of the population
  • Kings are natural leaders and attract love and loyalty from those who follow them. They encompass only 1-2% of the population
  • Scholars are driven to accumulate knowledge. People go to them for information or an objective viewpoint. 15% percent of the population, they also are the ones who record life’s information in the Akashic Records

All these roles combine together to create the perfect tapestry of our collective awakening. When you choose to live your truth, trust your intuition and embrace your role, life unfolds perfectly. By living in alignment with your soul’s purpose, you bring something special to the world and have a greater impact than you may realize.