What We Create

“Each of us is an artist of our days; the greater our integrity and awareness, the more original and creative our time will become.”
~John O’Donohue~

You are an artist who is constantly in the process of co-creation, weaving a unique tapestry of exquisite design. Each thought, word and action creates layers of energy that flow from you out into the world of form. Observe what you say. Do your words reflect what you wish to create? Do they support your joy and willingness to receive?

It’s a wonderful practice to set a deliberate intention, focus upon it during your morning rituals and then watch with joy as it manifests in various ways throughout your daily experience. For instance, if your intention is to be a loving reflection of the sacredness in everyone you meet, your interactions will be far different than if your mind was only focused upon the tasks that needed to be accomplished. Instead of a regular day with it’s normal ups and downs, you might experience brief but unique expressions of beauty from each person with whom you interact.

These conscious choices bring a higher level of light into our physical experience. Choose intentions that allow you to explore being the very best version of yourself. The spiritual seekers goal is to merge the sacred with the mundane.


There is an ebb and flow to life. We experience challenges more gracefully when we stay authentic and adhere to our own principles and integrity. Each journey is unique and though support and guidance are available, we must ultimately take complete responsibility for our choices, our happiness and our own awakening.

When you live gently, the world sees a calm, confident soul filled with integrity and humility. This empowered energy cannot be affected by outside factors and reflects a peaceful, loving connection with the Divine.

Release your egoic need to be more of anything in the eyes of others. This causes anxiety and precious energy is wasted striving to present yourself in a particular manner rather than allowing your unique light to shine.

Allow, allow, allow. Spend the day listening. As the observer, demonstrate your interest in others by supporting their growth.  As you change the way you view your own power and success, you’ll begin to replace strong desire with contentment. Life becomes much more simple when we are joyful, balanced and at ease with ourselves. Love yourself enough to enjoy who you are. You are right where you need to be – an awakening master on the path of transformation.

The Peaceful Warrior

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”
~Jimi Hendrix~

In every moment we have an opportunity to practice the art of peace. When we align with divine love, we understand the Oneness that connects us. Each of us must nurture the aspects within ourselves that honor all living things as sacred. By dropping judgment and taking the purposeful stance of conscious awareness, we are transformed.

All of earth, the stars and sky and all that reside within, are our brothers and sisters. We are responsible for the well-being of one another. Peacefulness is an art. It is a consistent practice that we are called upon to bring into our daily experience. Learn the value of non-reactivity. We become invincible when we choose to fight with nothing. Be willing to step into your power with compassion, patience and integrity.

Rise above the illusion and you will calmly discover how to walk the way of the peaceful warrior through any challenge. Each level of your growth builds upon the last and sets a foundation for the next. What harms one, harms all. What heals one, heals all; therefore, set off into the world with the desire to enlighten, to expand and to show what love looks like in motion. This is where your true power lies.

Integrity and Awareness

“Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.”

~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

When you embrace your unique way of being in the world and open your heart and mind to new energy, you become a powerful co-creator in your daily experience. A healthy foundation is built on integrity and awareness. Your willingness to keep evolving while living in alignment with your truths allows you the freedom to be consistent in the midst of transformation.

This is where judgment stops. Energetically, we cannot hold the vibration of judgment and love in the same space because they are in opposite realms of experience. The best way to release judgment is to ensure that you are acting with integrity and doing your best. With nothing out of balance, we can see without labeling, forgive without drama and navigate our days with patience and peace.

Life is your canvas, your blank page, a song that is waiting to be played… add to it often. Let it change as you change knowing that the slightest adjustments can have the greatest impact. What we choose to create with our energy matters. Each us of adds something beautiful and unique to our collective experience.


“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”
~Carl Gustav Jung~
The ego creates traps through anxiety and doubt… worrying what others may think, wondering how to please, get noticed or leave an impression. Many people struggle with indecision, trying to determine what is the “right” thing to do in a given situation; however, the answer lies in navigating the journey with integrity and authenticity. When you live aligned with your inner truth, harmony shines through you and is far more impressive than anything contrived by the mind.
Enlightenment is more than achieving spiritual insight and balancing karma. As you increase in awareness and wisdom, you’ll naturally demonstrate authenticity in every aspect of your life. The goal is to bring consciousness so profoundly into your experience that it remains a foundation for you even when confronted with challenges, unconsciousness or opposition. Your light is transformative.
We need more joyful, authentic souls to help us expand into new dimensions. These beautiful spirits dwell in a space of truth and light and bring that energy to all of their interactions. Life becomes simple when we are joyful, balanced and at ease with ourselves. Love yourself enough to enjoy who you are.

Spiritual Integrity

“Perhaps the most “spiritual” thing any of us can do is simply to look through our own eyes, see with eyes of wholeness, and act with integrity and kindness.”
~Jon Kabat-Zinn~
Throughout the process of awakening we examine various beliefs, commune with teachings of the ancient masters and find inspiration from those who are in alignment with our preferred way of being.
Once you find your path, live it fully. To be in ones integrity is simply to be authentic and consistent with a soupçon of laughter and humility. Through exploration we discover spiritual insights which ultimately create the foundation of our unique journey.
This is a planet of contrasts. Often we choose to be who we aren’t in order to discover who we are. The past does not define you, but it does inform you. Each experience teaches the importance of integrity, and while the expression may be different from person to person, the lesson is the same.
Your life is an reflection of who you are… an ever evolving child of light, a master in the process of awakening. Honor yourself by living in your integrity. Your path is sacred. You are Love seeking expression in the world of form.

The Blessing of Friendship

“A Blessing is a powerful and positive intention that can transform situations and people. Whenever you give a Blessing, a Blessing returns to enfold you.”
~John O Donohue~
Everything in our experience is part of our collective spiritual work. When faced with changes that seem overwhelming or destructive, seek out those who act with integrity. There is always a movement of beauty within the paradoxes of life.
Friendship is one place where we can explore our collective strength. No matter how you choose to express yourself in the world, find joy in the synergy of love and connection.
It is of utmost importance to remain aware of your state of consciousness. The first priority is to operate from a state of grace, clarity and balance rather than reactivity. The ebb and flow of experience provides ample opportunities to discover who we are in the face of adversity.
It is said that what you resist, persists and what you fight, you strengthen. Take care not to fall into the traps of lower energy. We are called upon to be beacons of light in a world that often feels fraught with conflict, darkness, separation and limitation. We can consciously and consistently impart wisdom, kindness and support. This moment is an opportunity to show what love looks like.

The Awakened Life

Like water eroding rock, the awakened life is one of gentle, consistent, conscious actions that leave a permanent impression. Attempting to force change, whether in yourself or others around you, is akin to a flash flood that temporarily wreaks havoc and leaves destruction in its wake. Living your truth; however, is a series of small actions that can transform even the most challenging of situations.
Everything plays a role in your awakening. Recognizing your judgments and understanding the fears out of which they arise allows you to consciously choose responses that bring peace to your life situation. Uncertainty is another path that ultimately opens the door to new ideas and insight. Anger points the way to repressed energy. Rather than wondering “why?” when things go wrong, seek understanding through direct experience rather than wandering aimlessly in an intellectual playground.
The key is to accept what is. Bring a greater awareness to how you choose to experience the present moment. When you take responsibility for your own state of consciousness, your actions will reflect empowerment and kindness.

Conscious Awareness

“A monk asks: Is there anything more miraculous than the wonders of nature?
The master answers: Yes, your awareness of the wonders of nature.”
~Angelus Silesius~

Hold yourself to a higher standard. If approached consciously, this can be a time of inspiration and growth. Everything depends upon how we view ourselves, how we conduct ourselves in the world, and our willingness to stand in our integrity. There may be times when you need to step back, observe and take a few moments to breathe prior to taking action – taking mindful pauses allow us to bring a higher level of consciousness to our interactions.

Treat each person you meet as sacred. Offer them dignity and choose to remain mindful and balanced throughout your interaction. Yes, this calls upon you to consistently bring the best version of yourself to your relationships. Most people, expecting dysfunction or judgment, will have to learn to adjust to your loving way of being. After moments of confusion, they will begin to feel the safe atmosphere which promotes growth and awareness. Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is… You are contributing to the awakening collective consciousness of us all.

Holding Space

“Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it’s all over.”
~Octavia E. Butler~

To hold space for another is to offer consistent unconditional support while being a calming presence throughout life’s upheavals. Compassion is a gift that creates space in which another can discover their own strength, awareness and potential. Sometimes, love calls upon us to simply listen without advice or judgment.  Discernment is the ability to be a source of compassionate detachment.

When feeling overwhelmed, act with integrity, do your best and accept what is. Operate from a foundation of wisdom with the understanding that every circumstance works toward the highest good of all involved. There is much more to life than meets the eye. Often, the energetic or spiritual truth of a situation is the opposite of how it appears on the physical plane.

Your energy is transformative. Allow it to shine in such a way that others can navigate the dark night of the soul into the light of awareness and healing.