Going Inward

“Go inwards, find your inner space and suddenly you will find an explosion of light, of beauty, and ecstasy.”


Awakening occurs as we release the need for outward validation and become deeply aligned with our authentic, true nature. The journey inward is a powerful one. Within it, we discover the courage to face our shadows – both personal and collective – only to emerge completely transformed by the experience.

Going inward is a perfect description of one who is fully present within the Now. The deepness of the present moment is unfathomable. Beneath the layers of desire and interpretation is pure Presence, a joy that sparkles as we recognize and embrace the sacredness that is both within and without.

Your conscious awareness brings a unique nuance of peacefulness and beauty to the planet. Imagine how our experience of the world would change if each of us could recognize the love that connects us. Begin within. Use the lessons and challenges of the past as stepping stones. Let your wounds be the place where the light enters you. Ultimately, you will discover that an infinite wellspring of light, love, possibility and purpose within you… and that light will guide you home.

The Four Virtues

When you change your thoughts, you change your life experience.

Lao tzu taught four virtues that, when practiced consistently, provide a lasting foundation of inner peace and purpose:

1) Reverence for All Life – When you live from the heart, expressing unconditional love for yourself and others, the light of consciousness will automatically flow into all that you do.

2) Natural Sincerity – When you act with integrity, you can allow life to unfold as it will without doubt, regret or worry. Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is.

3) Gentleness – Living a life of non-violence and giving up the ego’s desire to be right paves the way for authentic interactions. What would your life be like if you never argued or had inner conflict again?

4) Supportiveness – Support yourself and others with kind and uplifting words, thoughts and actions. This beautiful nurturing energy brings the most empowered and peaceful aspects of yourself into your daily interactions.

The idea is to consistently work toward higher levels of consciousness such as Willingness, Acceptance, Reason, Love, Joy, Peace and Enlightenment. Expanded frequencies have a greater impact and, utilizing them, we can hold space for others – and that is the space in which a transformation can occur.

Go Inward

“Go inwards, find your inner space and suddenly you will find an explosion of light, of beauty, and ecstasy.”
When we go inward, we discover of a greater dimension of silence and peace. More than the absence of noise, the mind itself is quiet and we can commune with the infinite. Rather than seeking to experience this stillness far away from the intensity of busyness of the world, seek to find it within yourself and purposely bring it into your life experience.
The awakening soul learns how to access this sense of stillness and peace even in the midst of chaotic situations. Yes, this takes practice but is well worth the exploration. Make a conscious choice not to allow another person or circumstance to dictate the level of your joy. Outside factors ebb and flow; however, inner grace is permanent, infinite and complete.