
“We need the tonic of wildness…At the same time that we are earnest to explore and learn all things, we require that all things be mysterious and unexplorable, that land and sea be indefinitely wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us because unfathomable. We can never have enough of nature.”
~Henry David Thoreau~

Adventures await. You will always attract the ideal circumstances to facilitate your awakening. While it can be frightening to walk into the unknown, realize that trust and innocence are better guides than skepticism born of past experience.

When trust is pure, no one can corrupt it. Where fear creates blockages based upon old patterns and expectations, trust allows life to unfold and illuminates the dark corners of the mind.

Exploration isn’t about planning every everything one might experience prior to taking that first step. The thrill is in the discovery, the exhilaration of the free-fall. Trust your intuition and allow something immense to open. The ordinary becomes extraordinary when you dance in the realm of infinite possibility.

We create a balance of mind, body and spirit when we heed the call of the soul towards self-actualization. This balance provides a firm foundation for conscious, transformative exploration.

Dream a Masterpiece into Being

“Nobody else gets to live your life. You’re the artist. Paint your picture. Dream your own masterpiece into being.”
~Anna Taylor~
Some people can look at a stone or a piece of wood and see something unique and beautiful waiting to emerge. They look through the lens of possibility and dare to remove the excess in order to bring something new into being. They recognize the beauty in both its forms – the raw, pure potential as well as the exquisite finished masterpiece – and they explore the process with love.
We can choose to view life in the same way. Find the inherent beauty in what is and also see what could be. It takes courage to chip away at the excess, and perhaps the vision may change as you go through the process; but it’s love, consistency, bravery and empowered action that spark the imagination and create movement in our experience.
You are a work in progress. What wonders are waiting to make themselves known?