Gentle Strength

“Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution.”
~Kahlil Gibran~
True strength is measured by authenticity, consistency and compassion. The higher your energetic frequency, the more power you can access. Those who vibrate at lower levels such as anger, pride, apathy or shame must use force in order to feel heard. No matter what change you wish to create in your experience, it must be cultivated within you before you can bring it into the world of form.
When those for whom you care become lost in the illusions of this world, do your best to remain at the highest level of consciousness that you can in your various interactions. We must remain engaged in unconditional love in order to teach: situation by situation, moment by moment. This takes conscious and consistent practice. You are a conduit through which the Divine manifests; therefore, it’s important to clear anything that blocks your ability to love.  View the challenges you face as realms of infinite possibility that deepen your wisdom, cultivate your strength and bring aspects that require attention or healing into the light of awareness. This is the moment of transformation.

The Four Virtues

When you change your thoughts, you change your life experience.

Lao tzu taught four virtues that, when practiced consistently, provide a lasting foundation of inner peace and purpose:

1) Reverence for All Life – When you live from the heart, expressing unconditional love for yourself and others, the light of consciousness will automatically flow into all that you do.

2) Natural Sincerity – When you act with integrity, you can allow life to unfold as it will without doubt, regret or worry. Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is.

3) Gentleness – Living a life of non-violence and giving up the ego’s desire to be right paves the way for authentic interactions. What would your life be like if you never argued or had inner conflict again?

4) Supportiveness – Support yourself and others with kind and uplifting words, thoughts and actions. This beautiful nurturing energy brings the most empowered and peaceful aspects of yourself into your daily interactions.

The idea is to consistently work toward higher levels of consciousness such as Willingness, Acceptance, Reason, Love, Joy, Peace and Enlightenment. Expanded frequencies have a greater impact and, utilizing them, we can hold space for others – and that is the space in which a transformation can occur.

The Free Spirit

Our world is a playground of distraction. The mind gets lost in opinion, culture, status and drama and we must learn to rise above. The free spirit is one who is authentic and has discovered their own unique way of being in the world. They are untroubled in the midst of turmoil and seek to uplift those around them.

Be in the world but not of it. Learn how to harness the peace and power of Presence in this moment. Participate, but do not attach. Those who are willing to be receptive will discover much about themselves. As you enter the fullness of who you truly are, others will be drawn toward you. There is no greater privilege then to inspire awakening in another.

Strength is often demonstrated through gentleness. We are engaged in an ever-evolving dance with the Divine. Open the heart chakra, free yourself from distraction and honor the present moment by immersing yourself within it.

Spiritual growth ultimately brings the freedom and tranquility of heart that arises through forgiveness. Accept what is and live aligned with your truth. True, the world may ridicule or misunderstand you, but that too is part of the perfection of your journey.


Be The Change

“Remember, we are all affecting the world every moment, whether we mean to or not. Our actions and states of mind matter, because we’re so deeply interconnected with one another. Working on our own consciousness is the most important thing that we are doing at any moment and being love is the supreme creative act.”
~Ram Dass~

All too often we shake our heads in disbelief, amazed by the lack of consciousness that we witness in the world around us; however, we are all deeply connected and are reflections of one another. In order to make a difference, we must first begin within.

When we release the need for drama or chaos, it ceases to seek us out. As we heal our wounds, we are able to experience one another with open hearts. As we move past judgment into compassion, a new picture emerges… and it is beautiful.

Don’t try to fix others – not your friends, not your family. Simply tend to your own state of consciousness, bringing awareness and kindness to each and every moment. As your vibration increases you may find yourself breaking out of a rut, dropping old ways of being or beginning new aspects of your journey. You don’t have to make dramatic changes to have dramatic effect – choosing to smile more, to be gentler with yourself and others is a great place to start.

Walk Gently

“Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh~
To live in alignment with life, we must first remove anything that blocks us from living in a way that is empowered and accepting. The spiritual path calls upon us to dissolve the ego, rise above the mundane and cultivate trust. There are many layers to this work and countless roads to enlightenment. As you explore the various teachings that ignite your spirit, your willingness to learn will draw what is needed to you.
Walk gently upon the earth and listen to the prompting of your inner guidance. Celebrate your breakthroughs and learn from the challenges that arise. Everything works toward your highest good – always. With this in mind, fear departs as we take a greater role in what we choose to create and how we interpret the circumstances in which we find ourselves.
This never ending process of awakening is filled with opportunity, for as you change, the world around you is transformed. Seek to discover the language of your heart. See each moment only as an opportunity to shine. Messages from the Divine are everywhere and infinite gifts of love are waiting to be discovered.

Living a Sacred Life

“Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh~
Every experience leaves us transformed. Consider the energy you leave behind when you interact with another as well as what you might learn or draw from them. The richness of textures and delight should spice our lives with a unique imprint and typically, less is more. The nuances of our playtime on this planet contribute to the enlightenment of us all.
Be gentle in your approach. As we become more aware, we discover the true power that resides in kindness and service. We no longer need to utilize force to make an impression; instead, life becomes more of a dance of discovery and a sharing of energy. No matter where you are, you can consciously participate in life’s wonder and mystery.

Experiences awaken our ability to discover the multi-layered facets of existence. Each is a stepping stone to creating a joyful, empowered life. This movement of awareness begins with gratitude and gentleness. All that you see is a spark of the Divine. Recognizing and honoring the sacredness of all life awakens the sacredness within you.

Gentle Strength

“Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution.”
~Kahlil Gibran~
True strength is measured by authenticity, consistency and compassion. The higher your energetic frequency, the more power you can access. Those who vibrate at lower levels such as anger, pride, apathy or shame must use force in order to feel heard. There are two energetic movements currently in play: expanding consciousness or group psychosis. No matter what change you wish to create in your experience, it must be cultivated within you before you can bring it into the world of form.
When those for whom you care become lost in the illusions of this world, do your best to remain at the highest level of consciousness that you can in your various interactions. We must remain engaged in unconditional love in order to teach: situation by situation, moment by moment. This takes conscious and consistent practice. You are a conduit through which the Divine manifests; therefore, it’s important to clear anything that blocks your ability to love.  View the challenges of our lives as realms that deepen our wisdom, cultivate our strength and bring aspects that require attention or healing into the light of awareness. This is the moment of transformation.