Outside Validation

“When you do something noble and beautiful and nobody noticed, do not be sad. For the sun every morning is a beautiful spectacle and yet most of the audience still sleeps.”
~John Lennon~

Once you discover your authentic way of being in the world, everything becomes very simple. You effortlessly embrace the call of your spirit and consistently demonstrate your level of consciousness, whether or not anyone else is around to witness. Beautiful, vibrant energy flows through you, infusing all that you do with the higher vibrations of love, light and laughter.

Seeking outside validation is an ego-generated journey of frustration and soul crushing compromise. When we are constantly trying to determine what others may be seeking from us, we discover that chasing recognition ultimately leads into the abyss of fear.

Understand deeply that those who grace your life need you to be your most authentic self. This is the energy that you weave into our collective experience and there is no one in the world with your unique way of being. Observe your inner state of peace. This is the barometer that will inform that you are fulfilling your purpose here. There is nothing to prove. You are amazing.