Being Love

“Most humans believe that love is something that you get, that it is an emotion, that it has to be discovered, and that the more they give away, the less they will have. The opposite is the truth. Lovingness is an attitude that transforms one’s experience of the world. We become grateful for what we have instead of prideful. We express our lovingness when we acknowledge others and their contributions to life and to our convenience. Love is not an emotion but a way of being and relating to the world.”
~ David R. Hawkins
All that we think, say and do is recorded in the infinite field of consciousness. With this in mind, the awakened spirit seeks to give love even when it may not be recognized or appreciated by others on the physical level. We dance within the gifts of the Divine and share that joy with those who grace our lives.
When you can say to another, “I am grateful for every moment we have spent together” without expectation or regret, you have arrived. When you can be Unconditional Love, a profound transformation occurs in your perception and the way you choose to interact with the world. This shift in awareness creates space where the ego cannot reside, and there, freedom awaits.

Be Love

When you feel the brunt of someone’s anger, be compassionate instead of defensive.
When you are triggered and the ego wants to withhold, consciously move forward with kindness instead.
When you are judged… Be love.
Acceptance, unconditional love, honoring all life as sacred, being the peace you wish to see, Radical Forgiveness… all these concepts inspire us to be better; however, it’s important to remember that we require opposition in order for us to cultivate these amazing qualities.
Be grateful for those who challenge you. Personally or globally, each of us is playing the role that is best for the collective growth of all. When you choose to drop judgment, limiting beliefs or hatred, and purposely see beyond the physical, everything is love. Life provides the perfect experience needed for our awakening.
Happiness is your own responsibility. Don’t allow yourself to become distracted by the drama or unconscious behavior to which you might be subjected. The moment you view yourself as a victim, you lose sight of your power.
Cultivate the ability to live open-heartedly in spite of the shocks of life. Anything that shakes you up is an opportunity to awaken to the most beautiful and empowered aspects of your true nature.