Your Melody


The vibration that you bring to the planet is unique. We all blend together, weaving beautiful energy, texture and tone that flows throughout the Universe – a masterpiece in the making. Change is the natural order of life. We can resist or flow and even though we may not see the outcome of certain circumstances at the moment (or ever), realize that you are being guided and supported throughout the process.


Teachers walk among us. Healers open to channel the energy of the Divine. Angels are ready to spring into action. Every spark of life dances in celebration within the melody of love. No matter what role you play, you are being asked to trust and allow the circumstances of your life to unfold now. Live in your truth and allow grace to flow within your experience.

Levels of Consciousness

“World is a multi-dimensional reality. At lower level it is full with unconsciousness and competitiveness.
At higher level it is full with beauty, bliss and divinity. Focus on higher dimensions.”
~Amit Ray~
One’s level of consciousness not only determines their interpretation of life, but also how they will respond to it. The lower levels of shame, fear, anger, pride or grief lead to erratic, dysfunctional behavior as well as a limited mindset, and those who vibrate at the lower frequencies tend to be very draining to be around (psychic vampirism).
The awakening soul must first focus on their own state of consciousness. When you are deeply aligned with courage, willingness, acceptance or love, your expansive vision creates an opportunity to see things from a broader viewpoint. Rather than getting dragged downward energetically, we can take ourselves higher and create a mindful experience instead of one that is reactive.
Love and light surround you, always. While it can be easy to feel overwhelmed in the midst of life’s chaos, it helps to remember that all beings are working toward enlightenment. The only difference between us is where one resides on that journey. Let compassion open your heart and mind to new possibilities.

Present Moment Joy

“You are an incredible mystery that you will never figure out.
To be this mystery consciously is the greatest joy.”
Spirituality is meant to bring wholeness and magic back into your life. There are many paths to awakening – purposely choose the one that brings you the greatest joy. As you bring the best version of yourself to the present moment, the future takes care of itself.
When life becomes a drudgery, judgment arises. Self-criticism and frustration block us from recognizing the beauty that surrounds us. It’s important to keep playfulness in your outlook and experience. Laughter enriches the soul and is a powerful expression of the Divine.

Draw attention to the threads that weave the tapestry of your experience. Enter the field of Now. Notice what you hear, feel, smell, touch and see. Quiet the mind and simply notice what is around you. Recognize that whatever you place your attention upon becomes more prominent in your experience.

You can find awakening in your life as it is, for you are right where you need to be. Acceptance draws in the circumstances, experiences and  synchronicities that are in alignment with your joyful, expectant, optimistic attitude.

Creating a Conscious Foundation

“The spiritual life does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it.”
~Henri J.M. Nouwen~

Life will always reflect what is happening energetically on the inner plane. Should you encounter perceived blockages or frustrations, pay attention to repetitive scripts of the ego. Awareness begins the process of transformation and by taking full responsibility for whatever is unfolding, we can step into empowerment.

Life sets the stage for exploration of the human experience. Sometimes light and whimsical, sometimes frustrating or painful, within each situation we discover a doorway to greater wisdom.

Begin the process of change by creating a conscious foundation. In your exploration, it’s likely that you have discovered habits and perceptions that speak to your unique spirit. Utilize these consistently to align yourself with sacred energy throughout your daily journey. As you grow in awareness, allow these to expand and change, reflecting your new state of consciousness.

The soul seeks only to awaken. In moments of challenge we discover opportunities to rise above, to assist one another and open our hearts in love. Moments of inner silence play a valuable role in your spiritual awakening. Let your life be a communion with all that you see. The sacredness you feel is a reflection of your own energy.

Stillness and Gratitude

“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.”
~John Lubbock~

What happens when we immerse ourselves completely in the present moment? Everything. The world opens, healing begins and we can access the transformative joy of being. You can choose to create stillness throughout the day and intersperse Presence within the chaos. Little consciousness choices can nurture the soul in amazing ways.

Bless the frustrations that have helped you to discover the power of patience. Honor the challenges that have played their part in the formation of your character. Celebrate the friendships that bring laughter and support and love into your experience. These are the gifts that have lasting impact.

It’s enough to stop completely, close your eyes, breathe deeply three times and listen to world around you. With no words, appreciate the Now. Be present and turn your awareness inward. There you will experience the true nature of a soul in the process of awakening. Peacefulness, clarity, patience and beauty rise above the muck to welcome the sun.


“Real joy is often just a quiet presence in the moment.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Bring a new level of consciousness to your journey. From the mundane to the mystical, everything you encounter offers the possibility of transformation.

Beauty can be found in the simple, ordinary things of life. When you approach tasks with total involvement, seeking no thoughts of recognition or reward, they begin to take on a sacred quality. Bring present moment mindfulness to whatever you choose to do and you will discover that you get far better results.

Together we create a matrix of Divine flow. Everything that we do has an impact – not only upon ourselves, but also upon the collective consciousness of mankind, the planet and all her creatures. Mindfulness is paying attention to what we are contributing to the whole at any given moment. Self-awareness teaches us how to tap into that flow of energy in a positive way and bring a higher level of consciousness to what we create.

Don’t wait for moments of fulfillment and mindfulness to happen. Create them. Make them a powerful aspect of your daily life. Chores, work, play… all become purposeful aspects of your soul’s journey.