
“To an Earthkeeper, love is not a feeling or something your barter with. Love is the essence of who you are, and it radiates from you as a brilliant aura: You become love, practice fearlessness, and attain enlightenment.”

~Alberto Villoldo~

There is something beautiful about nurturing what you love. Selfless acts of kindness and personal responsibility  demonstrate the power of a loving heart. The awakening master walks gently in the world with no thought of recognition, and a higher state of consciousness infuses every decision.

We are defined by what we do when no one is watching. Enter into the stillness of your soul and bring that grace and wisdom into your daily journey. Quietly become part of the solution by honoring this playground as sacred. We all have our roles to play in our collective experience and each is vitally important.

Everyday offers the possibility of discovery and insight. When you walk through life with an open heart and mind, you create space for inspiration, motivation and right action. Dance with the breezes, revel in the mystery of awakening, sing with the birds as they greet the dawn. We are the Earthkeepers.

Transforming Impatience

“Patience is very alert, patience is very active, patience is very expectant.”

Impatience is a by-product of our society, a mental construct that says there’s not enough time, I may miss out. It is created by an overactive mind and blocks all enjoyment of the present moment. Very quickly, impatience can turn into martyrdom. When someone feels thwarted, there is often a “Why me?” response.

When you notice impatience rising within you, choose instead to slow down, pay attention and bring your awareness deeply into the Now. Then, breathe, make your decision, take action and create change with a peaceful state of mind. All fear patterns can be transformed into personal power.

It’s important not to rush your spiritual development. This can cause you to pretend that you have advanced without doing the required work. The triggers still lie beneath the surface ready to disrupt your momentum.

We live in an infinite universe. Patience strengthens your capacity to relate to life from the higher levels of consciousness rather than the ego-driven desire of false personality. Practice utilizing silence and moving slowly. There is enough time. Mindful action ensures that the more patient you are, the more you will accomplish.

The Power of Stillness

“When you enter a place of stillness, you awaken the divinity within you.”

~Peggy Sealfon~

These are extraordinary times and you are an extraordinary being. It’s important to remember that you will always benefit from re-balancing your energy with moments of quietude and mindfulness. In this space of awareness we have the opportunity to touch ancient wisdom.

When aligned with your true nature, you’ll discover that there is nothing to fight. There is only love. In compassion, we can meet one another in the field of form. In kindness, we have the strength to extend a hand and lift someone from the throes of darkness. Our words of hope plant seeds that can transform the consciousness of those with whom we come into contract.

It’s important to consider that you have chosen to be here in this time and space for a specific reason. Your unique perception and abilities are integral aspects of the tapestry we weave together. The lessons you learn or facilitate in others shape the rising consciousness of humanity. Together we can discover how to see past the limitations of the mind and step into infinite possibility.