This is the moment of transformation.
\”The little self, driven by fear and a craving for comfort, identifies only with \’me.\’ The true self, driven by nothing, identifies with the unbounded awareness that we truly are.\” ~Ezra Bayda~
For those of you who know my backstory, my most challenging relationship this lifetime was with my father. From a karmic standpoint he is in my soul support circle as my Discipline person. This means that he has the potential to trigger me and helps me to cultivate a very disciplined spiritual approach through our interactions.
After leaving home at 16, my relationships assisted me in clearing the wounds and limiting beliefs that I carried. Spiritual awakening began at age 23. For nearly 30 years, various situations have allowed me to clear my self-imposed blockages and create the life of my dreams. Now, nearing the end of their lives, my parents have asked me to build a home for them on our property. As I go through the process of navigating all that entails, our interactions have gone from periodic structured visits to daily phone calls, emails and letters, I\’ve noticed some triggers arising once again. The next several years will be interesting to be sure.
Typically, it takes me about an hour to write these emails and then perhaps another hour to fall back to sleep, so I\’m used to a pause in my sleeping habits; however, last night I found myself tossing and turning. One hour became two, then three and I realized that my ego (Moe) was running amuck. No matter how much I observed it\’s antics and attempted to shift my perception, the thoughts would creep back in stretching thin the illusion of time and disrupting my peace.
Finally, the thought arose – \”What can I do differently?\” I\’d tried rationalization, re-framing and positive self-talk when I joyfully realized that gratitude was the answer. I\’d barely gotten started with expressing silent gratitude for Kizzy and Minky, the kitties, the sleeping man by my side, the gift of doing work that I love… when I found myself waking hours later to the light of a new day – rested, at ease, and ready to share my journey with you.
Gratitude takes us higher. It changes our energetic frequency and declares our willingness to take responsibility for our own joy. Gratitude transforms our responses to life situations and challenges while allowing us to see things from a higher and healthier perception.