The freedom of change

Transformation enters our experience when we create a space in which it can be received. This only happens when we choose to expand into new ideas and ways of living. The human condition is to create a comfortable life based upon deeply held beliefs. But what happens when the paradigm shifts and those very beliefs are called into question? …Anything and everything! Once a pattern is broken, something new emerges and we are transformed.

Change can be uncomfortable because of fear of the unknown. The mind will always cling to the known until the desire for freedom overcomes the fear. Then we find ourselves willing to risk all as we embark upon adventure. New energies bring new lessons and challenges. They show us unexplored aspects of ourselves and stretch us beyond our old comfort zone.

Allow yourself to be unburdened by the past. This moment has limitless possibility – how will you choose to experience it? The beauty of change is the journey through the uncharted waters of the soul.

Today my intention is to embrace change. There is always something new to discover.