Nourish others

Fear wants us to believe that there\’s not enough. Love teaches that the more we give, the more we receive.

\”I rejoice in others\’ successes, knowing that there is plenty for us all.\” 
~Louise Hay~
Celebrate others\’ successes as if they are your own. This reinforces the energy of abundance in the world and opens you to receive. The moment that jealousy or resentment enters the picture, all flow ceases.

Look inward to that which is eternal rather than seeking validation from external sources. Infinite possibilities await discovery. Limitless potential is at your disposal. Life is your canvas – what will you create there?

When you drop opinions and judgment, you can relax into your deepest truths and see life on earth for what it is… a place to explore the nuances of awakening. The seeds of consciousness that you have planted will grow. Be patient and gentle with yourself.
Today my intention is to enjoy the process of growth. I watch as all life flourishes and supports itself by giving.