Loving Kindness Meditation

When you nurture the art of loving-kindness, it cultivates the roots of self contentment.

\”It is safe for me to enlarge my viewpoint of life. I am totally willing to learn to love myself.\”
~Louise Hay~

Loving-Kindness Meditation
(from the book Beyond Happiness by Ezra Bayda)

Using conscious breath, draw your attention to the present moment. Think of someone you have positive feelings for and breathe them in to the heart chakra. This activates your innate loving-kindness. As you continue with slow, conscious breaths stay with each line below for a few breaths each…

To Oneself
Breathing in, dwelling in the heart.
Breathing out, extending loving-kindness to myself, exactly as I am right now.

Breathing in, dwelling in the heart.
Breathing out, there\’s no one special to be.

Breathing in, dwelling in the heart.
Breathing out, just being.

To Others
Breathing (name) in,
May you dwell in the heart.

Breathing (name) in,
May you be healed in your difficulties.

Breathing (name) in,
May your heart be open to others.

To Everyone
Breathing everyone in,
May you dwell in the heart.

Breathing everyone in,
May you be healed in your difficulties.

Breathing everyone in,
May your hearts be open to others.

Breathing in, dwelling in the heart.

Today my intention is to experience whatever is present in the openness of my heart.