Happiness is living in harmony with yourself

Live in harmony.
That\’s right! I am willing to find new ways to love
All too often people shortchange themselves. They live feeling deprived of the things that truly matter – peace, balance, joy, love, wisdom and a deep feeling of inner purpose.

To find your way to happiness, it\’s important to know that you wish to create it in your experience. Then, believe it, take action without being attached to the outcomes and know that you are a conscious creator.

One of the most powerful aspects of creating a fulfilling life is Acceptance. Even with things you wish to change, acceptance of how things are is the starting place. From there you have greater clarity and insight regarding the next steps you will take on your journey.

Finally, let all your choices be led by love. To be a loving person is to live in harmony with life – no matter what it offers. There is limitless potential all around, and love will help you to see it more clearly.

Today, my intention is to remember that everything changes. In the ebb and flow of life, I find my connection to the Divine. There is always something new to learn.