Within the role that you chose to play in this lifetime resides a being of infinite light, love and laughter. Your divine birthright is to awaken to the beauty of who you truly are and share that light with the world. As you access this inner grace, your creative abilities rise to new levels. Your vibration increases and your words and intentions become more powerful. With wisdom and creativity, it’s time to fill all your desires, projects and relationships with this divine beauty.
As your soul begins to grow spiritually, inspiration infuses each and every area of your life. Drama seems tiring and unimportant, the voice of ego merely background noise, and you recognize the present moment for the miracle it is. You have an opportunity to be an active healing force in the world. The way to create balance in your life is to ensure that every thought, word and action is aligned with the truth of who you are. Trust in the process of your awakening and allow your heart to be inspired by compassion.
Sometimes the ego will plant doubts and fear about your abilities, worthiness or mission on this planet. Now is the time to recognize the beauty of your soul, release those things which do not serve your joy and allow the light of your true nature to shine through. The act of taking one conscious step forward will move you forward through the fog created by the mind into the clarity of truth and wisdom.
Today my intention is to create a space in which transformation can occur. I am willing to accept a miracle.