It\’s time to stop playing it safe and embrace your unique way of being in the world. Begin by recognizing what brings joy into your experience and go from there.
Imagine how it would feel to be genuinely excited by the various things the day has to offer. What if you viewed every interaction as an opportunity to be amazed? What if the majority of your experience was flitting from one joyful moment to another? Your expectation has a lot to do with your interpretation of life.
On my gratitude walk yesterday I saw a large bird fly up from the ground to the lowest branch of a large oak tree. Thinking I might get to see a hawk up close, Kizzy, Minky and I went to investigate. There I saw the duck pictured above. She, in spite of our close proximity, spent several minutes exploring life from a new perspective while her mate waited below. In a way this was a far more wonderful experience because her behavior was so uniquely different. It was a blessing to find inspiration in such a simple and unexpected moment.