Be peace

Be peace.

That\’s right! The more peaceful I am within, the more peace I have to share with others 

You have chosen to follow a path of awakening in a time when many still live in darkness and confusion. More than ever before, it\’s important to focus on staying balanced – even in the midst of upheaval – so that you can bring light to the world.

A peaceful heart is created by a peaceful mind. Quieting the ego is a life-long process; however, it is one that has the potential to set you free from the turbulence that plagues so many. Since your perception of the world is a reflection of your inner state of consciousness, your experiences will become more peaceful.

All that unfolds happens for you, not to you. Your life situation provides the opportunity to refine and utilize the spiritual tools you have been cultivating. It allows you to apply your inner wisdom in various scenarios until it becomes the integral aspect of your response to life.

Today, my intention is to breathe. I mindfully inhale the precious breath of life and allow my mind, body and emotions to relax.