“Successful is the person who has lived well, laughed often and loved much, who has gained the respect of children, who leaves the world better than they found it, who has never lacked appreciation for the earth\’s beauty, who never fails to look for the best in others or give the best of themselves.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
You have a divine purpose and are now called upon to follow your hearts passion. Old souls often feel that they don’t fit in and that can sometimes be challenging; however, that uniqueness is a gift. You’ll find empowerment when you unplug from mass consciousness and release any beliefs, expectations or thoughts that do not support your spiritual journey. It becomes easier to live your truth when you are aligned with your soul’s purpose.
Those who discover their unique way of being in the world are an inspiration. Old souls teach by example through the sharing of their gifts. Embrace the challenges that have helped you to discover your strengths and know that you are right where you need to be. As you awaken, you’ll discover new ways of being aligned with your truth and will respond differently to the events of your life.
Certainly there can be times when the ego gets a foothold and we temporarily forget our divinity – this too, is part of the human experience and is a vital aspect of developing the art of compassion. By healing ourselves, we learn how to see through unconsciousness, rise above reactivity and connect soul to soul in the present moment. Never underestimate the power of acceptance and kindness.