All fear patterns can be transformed into personal power.
\”Patience is very alert, patience is very active, patience is very expectant.\”
Impatience is a by-product of our society, a mental construct that says there\’s not enough time, I may miss out. It is created by an overactive mind and blocks all enjoyment of the present moment. Very quickly, impatience can turn into martyrdom. When someone feels thwarted, there is a \”Why me?\” response.
When you notice impatience rising within you, choose instead to slow down, pay attention and bring your awareness deeply into the Now. Then, breathe, make your decision, take action and create change with a peaceful state of mind.
It\’s important not to rush your spiritual development. This can cause you to pretend that you have advanced without doing the required work. The triggers still lie beneath the surface ready to disrupt your momentum.
Practice utilizing silence and moving slowly. There is enough time. Mindful action ensures that the more relaxed you are, the more you accomplish.
Today my intention is to be a good listener, to pause before acting and to celebrate the perfection of the Now.