Think differently. Be different, embrace your unique way of being in the world.
“That we are all one does not mean we are all the same. To truly awaken is to experience Oneness in a world of difference.”
~Ezra Bayda~
As an awakening spirit, you may have noticed that you view the world quite differently than many of those with whom you interact. Most people on the planet are Mature and Young Souls. As Old Souls, we must learn to bring light to our life situations – often in the face of great opposition.
Your journey is unique. Choose to be led by passion, joy and optimism while you explore the world from higher states of consciousness. Your life becomes your message when you live aligned with your inner wisdom and grace.
Often the voices of the uninitiated and those still lost in unconsciousness can seem loud and intrusive. The lower vibrations must resort to force in order to feel heard. Wisdom speaks softly. We must be the change we wish to see in the world.
Today my intention is to live with an open heart.