The transformative power of gratitude

You have the power to transform your life experience.

“The real gift of gratitude is that the more grateful you are, the more present you become.”  
~Robert Holden~   

Challenges are our greatest teachers. They draw awareness to the changing aspects of your spiritual growth and call upon you to find the very best in yourself.

When faced with doubt or anxiety, stop immediately and briefly take a walk. Give thanks for the challenge. Ask the Divine for clarity in order to recognize the gifts that lie within, and most importantly, remind yourself that you always have the strength to face whatever unfolds in the present moment.

At times it’s easy to become overwhelmed; yet everything can shift with a shift in perception. Support yourself by acknowledging how far you have come. Love yourself enough to create a space in which you can receive the messages of life. Seek answers by beginning with gratitude.

Every situation has something to teach. The awakened soul can transform the messages of life into guidance that lifts the spirit. We spend our entire lifetime delving into this process in order to explore the various layers of enlightenment.

Posted in Wow Moment.