The Miracle of Gratitude

“If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough.”
~Meister Eckhart~

As we learn to transcend the mechanics of the ego and rise above thought, we are able to recognize the sacredness in life and within ourselves. All that you see is a reflection of your current state of consciousness; therefore, choose to periodically remove yourself from outside distraction and just be. Experience the beauty of life without mental chatter. Immerse yourself in the magic of the present moment and feel the love that rains down upon you from all dimensions.

When we consciously spend time communing with nature in this manner, our energy is replenished. The stresses of the day become less important as simple gratitude transforms the mundane into the sacred. The small, ordinary things of life become vehicles of spiritual awakening. The laugh of a child, the love of a dog, clouds creating pictures in the sky, a flower opening to receive the warmth of the sun… everything is the voice of the Divine. Recognizing this, you are enlightened.

Posted in Wow Moment.