All that you see is a reflection of your own state of consciousness.
\”Contentment alone is enough. Indeed the bliss of eternity can be found in your contentment.\”
~Lao Tzu~
~Lao Tzu~
Success is measured by the amount of peace we experience. If you feel that anything is missing in your life, shift your thoughts around that topic. Be prepared for everything to change the moment you choose to be fulfilled rather than dwelling upon the idea of lack. Enlightenment is simply taking full responsibility for your state of consciousness in this moment.
Make a conscious effort to choose grace, no matter what unfolds. In the midst of challenge, heartbreak or upheaval, seek the gift, the lesson or the opportunity to be kind. Know that your energy and intention can transform any circumstance into empowerment and growth.
Set aside some time today to send love and gratitude to those who challenge you the most. Know that you can break free from the cyclic experiences of frustration and anger by purposely choosing to approach the situation from a higher level of consciousness. As we change, the world around us is transformed.
Today my intention is to remember that spiritual practice is about opening to life. In any situation, I can ask \”What do I have to offer?\”