We are all masters in the process of awakening. Even though we have the same ultimate purpose, our paths to enlightenment are unique. Once you discover what inspires you, find ways to weave it into your daily experience. Create your own mindful rituals that set the stage for greater awareness.
Consciousness seeks to express itself through you. In order to fully experience the present moment, it\’s helpful to periodically set aside the mundane and choose to walk in the world with a sense of wonder.
This vision quest offers limitless nuances to explore, infinite facets of light and energy that dance in joy at the prospect of your awakening. All of life conspires to assist you on the journey.
There is nothing more important than your state of consciousness in this moment. Sometimes it\’s enough to close the eyes, breathe slowly and deeply and simply go inward. Sense the vastness of possibility within you and visualize an expansion of your energy with each exhale. These little moments of restorative peace can bring you back into balance.