Be a loving presence in the present moment. Whatever unfolds, seek to find the stillness of limitless potential in the situation. When others erupt in chaos, bringing their fears or dysfunction to their interactions, you may discover that your role is to hold the frequency of peace. Neutrality and compassion in the face of anger is a powerful response.
Kindness and acceptance are trademarks of the awakening soul. You have chosen to be here during this amazing time of transition for a specific purpose. Discover your strength by living in your own integrity. Create beauty wherever you can. You may find others drawn to you as you teach by example.
This world is a dance of light and dark, a journey of contrasts. Within the flow of life,we shed outmoded beliefs and break free from limiting patterns of behavior. All that remains is the loving presence of the Divine expressing itself through you.
Today my intention is to consciously choose compassion, kindness and peace as a response whenever possible… it is always possible.