Observe how often you are attached to the stories created by the mind.
I constantly have new insights and new ways of looking at the world.
~Louise Hay~
In the midst of challenge, begin shifting your energy by choosing to see through the roles and illusions created by the mind. Often, what is happening on the spiritual level is the opposite of how things appear on the physical level. The soul that challenges you the most loves you the most, for he or she is willing to play a role that forces you into growth and greater awareness.
\”Clear mind does not arise from thinking clearly. Clear mind is what remains when you\’re not caught by thoughts. Knowledge alone can never heal the wound of being. Only by being fully present is our intrinsic wholeness revealed.\”
~ Ezra Bayda~
Everything has its own beauty when you choose to view it from a higher perspective. Allow life to unfold. The awakened soul flows with what is without attachment knowing that this world is filled with contrasts. One must explore both sides of the equation to discover the stillness of neutrality.
See through the roles that people play. See through the stories created by the mind. Ultimately, love resides at the core of everything.
Today my intention is to live in the moment, whatever it offers. I bless all the experiences of my life grateful for the wisdom that has come from navigating through them.