Right action

Mastery is having complete control over how you respond to life.

\”Presence is a state of inner spaciousness. When you are present, you ask: How do I respond to the needs of this situation, of this moment?\” 
~Eckhart Tolle~ 
Awareness ensures that your responses to life are empowered rather than reactive. Once the ego is no longer in control, your stillness and alertness will allow you to bring a higher consciousness to any situation. From that space of awareness, the action (or inaction) that is for the highest good of all involved will make itself known. Then you can act, allow and accept.

Another way to observe right action in motion is that, once completed, it drops completely from your consciousness. There is no need to replay it, take credit for it, wonder if your choice was \’right\’ or worry about how things will unfold. This is the Divine working through you without ego-driven interference.

Cultivate mastery through the simple things of your experience such as driving, interactions with your children, the energy you bring to your work or your self-dialogue. The peace of Presence is always there. Honor the present moment as sacred by experiencing it fully.