There is nothing more important than your state of consciousness Now and nothing is more important than your joy. In these meditative moments we have an opportunity to set our intention and expectations for the day. The more aware you become of the energy you share with the world, the more personal strength and power you have the ability to access.
If there is unhealed anger within you, realize that you have the capacity for great gentleness. Spiritual growth is an alchemical process – energies are transformed into consciousness and the expression of your choosing.
Notice how the \”normal\” expectation of life can often be expressed as justifiable anger – advertising wants you to be angry with your body image, home or car so that you\’ll constantly feel compelled to fix or change them, politicians want you to be anger with their opponent so they can stay in or take control, humans love to justify war, causes and judgment. So much energy gets wasted by the mechanisms of the mind. It\’s easy to become distracted from a higher state of consciousness without consistent spiritual practice.
Find your own way to step outside of limiting expectations. Embrace the power of love which longs to flow through you into every experience. Whether you create sacred space through gratitude, meditation or conscious breathing, know that you inner growth and transformation extends outward and changes the world around you. Such a big concept – that\’s why we begin within. Notice your state of consciousness Now and do all that you can to align yourself with joy.
Today my intention is to celebrate love and friendship.