Love expands

Love expands.

“Love flows through my very being. It touches everyone I meet and leads me to greater compassion.” 
~Louise Hay~

Happiness does not depend upon outside factors. As we awaken, the joy in the soul simply must be expressed. We become more available and open to the opportunities to celebrate in life and learn how to let love expand our experience of the present moment.

Healthy partnership is a supportive process. In relationships, allow the winds of heaven to dance between you so that each party has room to grow and thrive. Be patient with those you love and provide the space in which a transformation can occur.

We must step out of the dramas of romance and enter a higher, more loving way of being that is unconditional and without demands. Relate to one another in gratitude and support and enjoy they beautiful moments that you share.
Today my intention is to be a pure channel for the love, light and laughter of the Universe.