Bring an open-hearted expansiveness to your experience. Try new things, allow yourself to fail once in a while. See the world as a place of adventure and discovery, for that is truly what it is. Lao Tzu called it the world of ten-thousand things – each offering a unique opportunity for you to explore the vastness of being.
Many live sidetracked by the mind-traps created by ego-driven thought. These illusions take the worst fears from the subconscious and project them onto one\’s experience of reality. And even though they are illusion, they can be deadly because they block one\’s ability to discovery joy and freedom.
Consciousness supports your growth. Life supports your awakening. Every experience provides an opportunity for enrichment. Become the loving witness of life itself. Live totally and intensely, so that each moment is filled with the sacred gifts of love and laughter. Find joy in the small things and rediscover the magic that once inspired you.
We must learn to participate in the dance of existence. Reaction is based upon the past. Response is based upon the present. This moment is filled with limitless possibility.