We life in a realm filled with limitless possibility. Your state of consciousness determines how expansive your vision can be and your perception of the experiences you witness reflects the level of your energetic vibration.
With this in mind, observe your thoughts. See what type of amusement you are drawn to, what books and movies spark interest within you, notice those you enjoy being with. Is there a trend? Do the things that fill your life bring you joy and contentment, frustration and disappointment or peace and fulfillment?
This is an important aspect of self-reflection. We need to create an awareness of what we are choosing to experience. Often, it can be challenging to see ourselves clearly. If that\’s the case, observe those around you. What do you notice?
You are the master of your experience. If you wish to create joy, purposefully seek it in any form you can. Infinite possibilities provide a lifetime of practice, insight and opportunities to awaken to the fullness of who you truly are.
Today my intention is to purposely create a world that is filled with love, light and laughter.