Judgment and joy cannot coexist

There is a way to live in the world and still be happy. Spiritual awakening calls upon us to immerse ourselves deeper within life instead of separating ourselves from it. Since life responds to you, all that is needed for your awakening will present itself to you at the perfect time. The only prerequisite is that you be fully present and conscious within the Now so that mental preoccupation doesn\’t distract from the beauty and opportunity that is available.

Times of great sorrow have the potential to be times of great transformation. When it arises, don\’t run from the pain, go deeper within it without any blame or self-pity. The resulting insight and awareness will awaken the soul to new possibility. When we release all judgment and attachment, we open ourselves to receive the gifts of spirit.

Judgment and joy cannot coexist. One cannot say, \”I just want my life to be peaceful!\” while seeking out irritation. Complains, getting lost in the story or blaming others are distractions. Fortunately, we are the creators of our experience… drop your questions, the worry, the story and be here Now. Love what is regardless of how it appears with the knowledge that you are supported and guided each step of the way.

It can sometimes be challenging to change a lifetime of habit. Spiritual awakening is a process and to be certain, there will be times when you shine and others when you miss the mark a bit. Should that occur, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, find the humor and take one more step forward. Your path is sacred. You are sacred. Do not block yourself with limiting thoughts regarding your worthiness, for the Divine (in all it\’s perfection) seeks to experience life through you.

Today my intention is to share my gifts in a way that is expansive and fulfilling. My desire is to be an open channel for love, light and laughter.



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