It\’s time to realize who you truly are

You are much, much more than your past, your struggles, your accomplishments or your dreams.

\”You are awareness. It is nothing you do, it is nothing that has to be done – your very nature is awareness.\”

Your souls purpose is to awaken. The path you travel has one purpose – to facilitate your awakening. Do not become too attached to the role you play in this lifetime. Enjoy it, honor it, express yourself through it, but recognize that you are far greater.

This distance and objectivity allows you to respond to life rather than react to it. As you become more aware, more alert, mastery is possible. See everything in your experience as an opportunity to awaken.

You lack nothing. When you realize who you truly are, the expression of life takes on new meaning and depth. You can participate in the dance and leave perceived bondage behind. This is the moment of transformation.

Today my intention is to:
be willing to accept a miracle
to see clearly
communicate effectively
love unconditionally
project the aura of peace
embrace my creativity and the joy of being
as I walk my talk and speak my truth with integrity