This is the moment of tremendous healing and transformation. The only moment that truly exists is the Now and there is no need to delay the evolution of your spirit. There is great power in honoring the awakenings which have sprung from walking in darkness and we find that sometimes we need to be who we aren’t in order to discover who we are; thus, all paths are sacred journeys which lead us to the light of awareness.
Judgment of others is the quickest way to bring our attention to something within us which is ready to be healed. Since we all act as mirrors for one another, utilize those moments of ego related thought and response to address the shadows aspects of the Self that are ready to be integrated and expressed in positive ways. Often, the result is an expansion of compassion and acceptance.
There are many wonders within you waiting to be discovered. The myriad facets of your unique expression of life sparkle by reflecting the light around you. Remember to be patient and gentle with yourself and allow the joy of the journey to be your guide. There is much more to life than meets the eye and the best is yet to come.